First Martial Art You Would Teach Your Child?

HuntingtonPUNK - 
Archangel - BJJ

You get them in the right classes and their whole life will be better off. Mind Body and Soul

BJJ isn't just submissions and hip movement it's a lifestyle that when followed will create a much more balanced happy better decision making child or any person for that matter...

Another point is if they are girls like mine then BJJ is the only logical option. Try and rape a BJJ black belt or even a blue lol aint gonna happen.

Wrestling when I was in school had no code of honor no lifestyle just a bunch of kids who thought they were tough till they got punched in the face.

I know steroids and partying abuse and whatnot all came with the mystique of wrestling. Not so in my experience with BJJ its good for the kids IMO

Add boxing cause everyone needs to know how to punch and how to deal with being punched. If they quit thats alright cause they will be better off and when they come back they will be a lot better than the others that are just starting out. Which will give them a ton of confidence....Sky's the limit!

lol your BJJ vs Wrestling breakdown, to funny. Take that kid I posted in the wrestling video and set him up to roll with the best BJJ kids his age and I bet he'd break the kid down and make him quit. Wrestling is not for every kid though, kids practice is harder then any BJJ adult class I've seen, go watch, 2hr nightmare, its not a 30min class with cupcakes afterwards. My kid wakes me up at 3am to eat just about every night because wrestling practice is so gnarly, he didnt break a sweat in BJJ class

wrestling is the best base to have and build on later

Huntington is right. For the most part a BJJ kid isn't used to the intensity and the grind of a wrestler. When my son started doing NAGAs and only did BJJ he did well but when he added wrestling most of the kids just werent ready and the ones that were also wrestled.

Huntington, is Cade your son?

i would train my kid in boxing first until he was old enough to do bjj/wrestling.. then id start mixing in bjj and wrestling. boxing is easy for little kids to do.

bismanfightclub - 
bulletmagnet - i would train my kid in boxing first until he was old enough to do bjj/wrestling.. then id start mixing in bjj and wrestling. boxing is easy for little kids to do.

No it isn't.  Wrestling is much more natural for them and matches for wrestling they aren't getting punched in the face like boxing.  Watch most of the little guys wrestle and 90% of them are laughing during a match, cause it feels just like when they play, boxing they are getting punched in the fack and stomach and 90% of the time one if not both of the kids end up crying.

i guess you were one of those little pussy kids that my kid used to make cry. idk where you're from but where im from my kid would rather box than roll around in singlets or pajamas.

bulletmagnet - 
bismanfightclub - 
bulletmagnet - i would train my kid in boxing first until he was old enough to do bjj/wrestling.. then id start mixing in bjj and wrestling. boxing is easy for little kids to do.

No it isn't.  Wrestling is much more natural for them and matches for wrestling they aren't getting punched in the face like boxing.  Watch most of the little guys wrestle and 90% of them are laughing during a match, cause it feels just like when they play, boxing they are getting punched in the fack and stomach and 90% of the time one if not both of the kids end up crying.

i guess you were one of those little pussy kids that my kid used to make cry. idk where you're from but where im from my kid would rather box than roll around in singlets or pajamas.

Wait what the fuck are you trolling? Or are you seriously proud of your son bullying other kids? Hope you are a troll, otherwise you are a complete piece of shit.

wrestling for sure, but bjj and boxing are nice too, so basically teach him mma....

Track and field mother fuck. I'm learnin my kid to run. You can't bararm the cops.

Nothing wrong with running IMO I think it get you in great shape, teaches mental toughness and grinding it out too.

do you guys have kids that have done bjj, wrestling and boxing? i dont know why you would say wrestling is better for fighting then bjj at an early age.i never seen it

Ghengiseanie - I would actually wan tthem to learn Wing Chun as I did but first,(it was my third tma..) Its womanly roots make it ideal for a small sized person to learn and its early years of training were virtually all defensively structured where I learnt.

This is completely erroneous. Actually there are no 'womanly' roots, that whole part about Ng Mui is myth and doing upright striking is NOT the best way for a female to contend with a male (there are a couple examples in MT, but they're rare and of spectacle). (For one thing, analyze how males 'fight' females. They don't (just) punch them, they grab them and throw them down (as loathesome as that is), then attack them on the ground.

We now know that only in BJJ (or maybe wrestling) where women actually DO contend with men (although in a sporting arena), that would possibly (and I emphasize "possibly") prepare or allow them to defend against an encroachment or attack by men. If you really believe WC will do anything except maybe deter an overamorous brother-in-law at a picnic (i.e. make him mad), you are seriously delusional and perhaps not paying attention. A combination of BJJ and some striking may eventually be worked out, but not any WC 'version', which relies too much on a structure, static stances and in 99.999% of practitioners, devoid of the real core that Yip Man found in China, but didn't teach anyone, even his sons.

Nowhere has there ever been any WC activity on film or otherwise where real contest between males and females has occurred except in some nerd's wet dreams. However, women -have- contested in wrestling (mainly HS/Jr High) and in BJJ, (witness our own Hillary Williams).

I seriously -hope- you will look around and wake up to this fact and not advance these TMA delusions further.

TMA may have its uses, WC may be 'fun', but otherwise, sorry, no.



12 - do you guys have kids that have done bjj, wrestling and boxing? i dont know why you would say wrestling is better for fighting then bjj at an early age.i never seen it

Mine has done BJJ for 3 years and Wrestling for 2. He is 11 now and likes wrestling much more. I can also say wrestling made him tough. Heres the deal at an MMA school every fat, wimpy kid can stay cause their parents are paying 100 a month and your kids trains with him. At a wrestling club its not babysitting cause there is pretty much no money involved for the coaches. They are just trying to make the kids good, period. The kids that cant handle it just leave. Kids just like adults are going to be as good as their training partners so a kids who is training with a twinkie isnt going to the opportunity to push themselves like a kid who gets to train with a lot of wrestlers that wrestle 50-100 matches a year.

 Wrestling. For grappling arts it is akin to pouring a foundation before building a house. 

I am teaching my young children, 7 and 5, a combo of Wrestling, Judo, and JJ. I will have my son in lil guy wrestling next year, but I will not let him compete till he is a bit older. I have seen too many kids burn out when they start competing in wrestling too young.

<:(((>< - 
12 - do you guys have kids that have done bjj, wrestling and boxing? i dont know why you would say wrestling is better for fighting then bjj at an early age.i never seen it

Mine has done BJJ for 3 years and Wrestling for 2. He is 11 now and likes wrestling much more. I can also say wrestling made him tough. Heres the deal at an MMA school every fat, wimpy kid can stay cause their parents are paying 100 a month and your kids trains with him. At a wrestling club its not babysitting cause there is pretty much no money involved for the coaches. They are just trying to make the kids good, period. The kids that cant handle it just leave. Kids just like adults are going to be as good as their training partners so a kids who is training with a twinkie isnt going to the opportunity to push themselves like a kid who gets to train with a lot of wrestlers that wrestle 50-100 matches a year.

agree with everything you point is bjj beats the kids you talk about,when my kid rolled with state wrestlers
he had no problem getting the submission.

TACKLE -   I have seen too many kids burn out when they start competing in wrestling too young.

That interesting cause that is one of the things that makes my son love it so much. When there is a tournament he says "I get to do something special this weekend!". That said, he is 11 then we have a 6,4 and a set of 2 year old twins so the alternative would be hanging with them usually.

12 - 

agree with everything you point is bjj beats the kids you talk about,when my kid rolled with state wrestlers
he had no problem getting the submission.

12, how old is your boy and has he tried wrestling yet? I guess letting him do both if he is ready can only help him. Dont get me wrong I would happily continue going to BJJ if my son wanted to but he wants to wrestle and run track and XC now. As I said earlier I think a lot of it has to do as well or around here anyway that there is not a lot of opportunity for a youngster to compete in BJJ compared to wrestling.


<:(((>< - 
12 - 

agree with everything you point is bjj beats the kids you talk about,when my kid rolled with state wrestlers
he had no problem getting the submission.

12, how old is your boy and has he tried wrestling yet? I guess letting him do both if he is ready can only help him. Dont get me wrong I would happily continue going to BJJ if my son wanted to but he wants to wrestle and run track and XC now. As I said earlier I think a lot of it has to do as well or around here anyway that there is not a lot of opportunity for a youngster to compete in BJJ compared to wrestling.

he's 20 now and a bjj bb,he made the masters tournie 1 yr i (varsity 4 yrs so cal) but your kid is 1 out of a 1000's my kid is 1 out 100.wrestling was just hard on him .surfing ,music,snowboarding and all the other crap.

agree with everything you say,but for an average kid bjj is the way to go.but like you said,he loves wrestling thats
whats important

<:(((>< - 
TACKLE -   I have seen too many kids burn out when they start competing in wrestling too young.

That interesting cause that is one of the things that makes my son love it so much. When there is a tournament he says "I get to do something special this weekend!". That said, he is 11 then we have a 6,4 and a set of 2 year old twins so the alternative would be hanging with them usually.
If he asks to compete I may change my mind. I just won't press the issue till he is older. Not sure what "older" means, just not 5 years old. 

I remember the idiot fathers standing Mat Side screaming at their sons when I competed. That will NEVER be me. I will support him, help him grow, keep it fun, and teach him why it is important. Then I will sit in the bleachers and shut my mouth, Except to say "Good Job Son".



20 year old BJJ BB? Congrats! You have to be very proud of that.

My eldest is incredibly driven we will see where it takes him but I have no thoughts of the others being like him. Infact, I would be happy if I could get my 4 year old to not pee outside infront of the neighbors. :)


judo for sure