First Martial Art You Would Teach Your Child?

Judo and boxing

disbeliever - My son is 2 now, but I will most likely put him in wrestling to see if he likes it first. I am working on his boxing and sprawl training now ;)

The fuck do you need real wrestling for? Just teach him how to punch heads off and have an unbeatable sprawl. 6 years of sprawl training!

mmafan342 / ninjaboy562


mmafan342 - Some of you people are ridiculous. Living through your children trying to make them "badasses".

Im going to raise my kid as a good person, not try to teach him to beat people up. Of course I will teach him how to defend himself, but im not going to get him all this, boxing, judo, bjj , sprawl training.But if he sees this and wants to do it? Absolutely I would let him train. But  common people, are you fucking serious? Let your kids be THEMSELVES. Has much as you wish you were a trained fighter growing up or whatever fantasies you may have, dont try to turn your kid into it. I feel srry for your kids.

nothing wrong with guiding your kid down the right path and getting involved with martial arts. agreed on letting be themselves but signing them up for bjj or wrestling or boxing is no different than signing them up for baseball or football or for some of parents of the UG, cheerleading.

I tried to get my son to play football and he thought he was getting punished cause he wouldnt be able to wrestle for a couple months.


Jello wrestling and ballet

In my opinion and others will agree too.

The first martial arts I'd ever teach anyone is mentality before anything else. 

dentalninja - Judo, then wrestling in jr. high.

Later, encourage BJJ and/or Thai boxing.

first martial art id teach my kid would be whatever he wanted to do and whatever he was passionate about, if he didnt want to do any, then thered be no point in making him, pushy parents fuck kids up.....

Surprised to c that no one is using elbows. Gonna f up ur hands by punching skull with ur knuck's

My little bloke's 3 and can do an armbar from the guard.. :)

Will start him in Judo (good kids programs), then onto BJJ at probably age 7-10.

My #2 (who is about to arrive) is a girl, so she'll be starting guard work at age 2 days....I pity the fool that tries to hold my baby down when she doesn't like it....

Atienza or Sayoc Kali. Bullies always stay away from the kid carrying a bag full of knives and machetes, and maybe a little BJJ for ground work.

 I didn't have any sort of plan to get my 8 year old into martial arts, but I took him to the fights a few times and he told he wanted to learn some moves.  So I signed him up for BJJ and now he trains at Matt Serras. 

It is amazingly fun to be rolling around your living room with your son and see him going for legit BJJ moves.  Later on we'll probably get into some stand up arts, but I would never want my kid to be a fighter.

 Judo, jUdo, juDo, judO.... JUDO!

I Get Finished in Fights - Wrestling isn't a martial art. It's a sport. You won't learn to defend yourself on the street in a life or death situation with wrestling. I would teach them BJJ or Karate first.

Seriously?, wrestling is the most dominant martial art and you can't even give it enough respect to call it

zekeil - 
I Get Finished in Fights - Wrestling isn't a martial art. It's a sport. You won't learn to defend yourself on the street in a life or death situation with wrestling. I would teach them BJJ or Karate first.

Seriously?, wrestling is the most dominant martial art and you can't even give it enough respect to call it

 I can see why he would not consider wrestling a martial art.  There are no finishing moves in wrestling. You win when you get your opponent's back on the mat.  But it's just a semantics game.  If you want a great top game in BJJ, wrestling can help a lot.  And I would rather GNP somebody in the street than work for a sub off my back.

Wrestling is a GREAT art to train in.  And I know there are pleny of MMA fighters out there now who wish they wrestled in high school.

nevermind I dont know how to post a vid.. 

Dont know if this will work either.. 

Cant believe I cant figure this crap out,, oh well..

Crazy Zimmerman - 
zekeil - 
I Get Finished in Fights - Wrestling isn't a martial art. It's a sport. You won't learn to defend yourself on the street in a life or death situation with wrestling. I would teach them BJJ or Karate first.

Seriously?, wrestling is the most dominant martial art and you can't even give it enough respect to call it

 I can see why he would not consider wrestling a martial art.  There are no finishing moves in wrestling. You win when you get your opponent's back on the mat.  But it's just a semantics game.  If you want a great top game in BJJ, wrestling can help a lot.  And I would rather GNP somebody in the street than work for a sub off my back.

Wrestling is a GREAT art to train in.  And I know there are pleny of MMA fighters out there now who wish they wrestled in high school.

Agreed. I just don't like people disrespecting wrestling.
It's a very important part of MMA, no matter what your discipline is, a good wrestling base can help.

The only thing I disagree with you about is wrestling not being a martial art.

I think anything that consists of two men battling for physical and technical supremacy is war and the very meaning of martial is warlike.
Therefore no matter what style you use to better your opponent should be considered an art, even if the only thing you do is control what your opponent does.

Wrestling is definitely a martial(war) art and not to mention one of the oldest arts.