Cheal said Floyd is broke. Clearly Floyd is lying, Cheal never lies.
I’m a fan of Sonnen but he’s probably wrong significantly more often than he’s right. Fact check almost anything he says on his YouTube channel.
Chael is so full of shit, I can’t watch his stuff anymore. His entire existence is a schtick.
Has everyone else caught on to this thing where in every interview now when asked “was there ever a fight you talked a lot of shit in but really you knew you were going to lose” he always says “well, one time I really was actually scared, just one time. It was…” And then he gives a different name in every interview. Sometimes he says Fedor, sometimes Jones, sometimes Brian Stann. It’s almost like he’s just fucking with everyone at this point and he wants you to know he doesn’t actually believe anything he says.
His claims hat Floyd x Connor did 76 ppv buys are his most insane, but he has a lot of others.
I feel like Floyd is really good with money. Guy doesn’t smoke or drink, great business mind and very disciplined. He seems like the type of guy that, if he does have money problems, only has them due to potential leeches in his circle.
Same. He blended bullshit and truth so well, that it’s easier just to assume he’s talking bullshit and not bother.
I respect Floyd so much. The guy lived in Sin City pretty much his whole life. Never let anything corrupt or derail him. Iron discipline.
I love the stories of him having runners with him so he can go partying and then run. Drinking from champagne bottles, filled with water. This guy never forgot what matters to him the most.
Tyson, McGregor, Jones, and pretty much everybody else let all the parties, the drugs, and the booze run through them. But Floyd never did. All that shit flowed around him. Never let anything get to his core.
And now he gets to enjoy the fruits of his labour.
Floyd has always had a spending problem…if he is broke he just needs to sell shit and promote some fights.
Dude does sports bet as well so he has a leak there for sure
I can see him being broke. He is a huge gambler and can’t read- he has others handle his affairs and he isn’t smart enough to understand most of it. He is tailor made to be ripped off
LMFAO, The M Sports book was built by Floyd, iykyk
Chael is unwatchable, its like every vid of his is 3 min of content dragged out into 15-20 min with a bunch of ridiculous claims along the way
I turn it off anymore when something with Chael pops up. He’s wrong about what he says 90% of the time and he’s full of shit with all his knowledge on the inside apparently. He’s just cringe.
Today I saw a video where Chael claimed that Tyson Fury has three losses in his record “all to bums.” He went on to say “it should be four “ and that Francis should have gotten the nod against him. His contention was that Fury is better for having lost. The only problem is the facts.
When Francis left the UFC, Cheal made 2 videos a week claiming Francis fumbled the bag and would never get the Fury fight.
Once Franc got the fight, Cheal made 2 videos a week saying Francis would lose horribly and that noone should do business with him because hes hard to work with.
Cheals just a hater these days.
he does get things wrong, but my main problem with him is that he takes FOREVER to spit out his waffling point. he assumes you enjoy his fucking company and are delighted to sit patiently as he frames his one-line point of view.
He who gambles lives in shambles.
Cheal loves to take shots at Jon, Francis, Floyd and Mike Tyson.
He’s a racist and a nazi.