Foam roller is a life saver!

I like to eat apples,bananas,and grapefruit in addition to berries.What about these?

This is what I plan on eating:
protein-chicken,fish,lean beef,or whey(convenience)
fats-naturally occurring in meats,almonds, fish oil

veggies-usually eat spinach,cucumbers,and plan on eating more broccoli

lots of water

what about diluted Gatorade following a hard sweat?

Man, I live in New Orleans so I have to dodge delicious food all the time as it is.Once I get back to serious training my diet will clean up even further.Hope this helps,thanks.

sounds good. try to eat some chard, kale, spinach, mustard, beet or collard greens with most every meal.

All those fruits are fine.

I'd skip the gatorade, too much sugar.

I train six or seven days a week. I've found that when I eat this way I don't need lots of recovery meals, drinks, etc. I just eat my food and I do better than I did before with whey shakes and post-workout sugar drinks.

I have little time to prepare those leafy greens so I plan on eating them raw most of the time.I will usually just add some vinegar,any other ideas?

Second day using a foam roller. I'm a convert.

Foam roller rules! I must have had a ton of crap built up in me prior to rolling it out.My son's gymnastics coach is a massage therapist and said I must have had calcium deposits...
legs ,glutes are sore today but in a normal way following a squat workout (yesterday) not the cripple feeling I have been having for so long.

Check youtube

I got mine from Perform Better.It is the one without cells so it is supposed to last longer and is a bit firmer.


real talk

Anarkis2 - I have the tightest hamstrings ever? Would this help for it? Can anyone point me in the direction of a good book on the topic and a place to buy one?

it would help quite a bit. i've had a number of hammy problems and i love the roller. you should pair the roller with stretching, however - roll the legs out, then stretch them.

there's a number of videos on youtube showing how to roll out your legs

try standing at work more often, too

PVC Pipe + Blue Camping Mat from camping section @ wal mart + Lots and lots of duct tape = PERFECT, cheap foam roller

I bought one at modell's for like 20 bucks, it's white but works quiet well. I am going to look into a GREAT one on Amazon once this starts to fall apart as all things from Modell's do :P


I bought one of these off of Amazon for about 20 bucks.

I ran the family through this drill I found on youtube.

Thanks Anthony!

Got a $20 foam roller with a dvd and a chart. haven't watched the dvd or looked at the chart, but I've rolled my back a few times and it feels great. Like a deep massage.

darn it i paid 20 bucks at modell's and got nothing but the foam roller...a white one also, which is weak. well better than nothing, fixes everything :D

don't just use it to roll your back out. also lie with aligned from your head to tailbone, between shoulder blades. i do this for about 10 minutes. feels great.

that is quiet literally the best thing for your back, in between shoulder blades. feels soooo good