Frank Mir is the Devil.

Frank Mir offers his training videos in betamax format only.



Actually, it's supposed to read "Frank Mir wears the skin of my mom, Jean."

Frank Mir: Inspiration for Silence of the Lambs, Psycho, and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

 Frank Mir is the reason why we are searching for Bobby Fisher!

Frank Mir ate my other post.

brianmeyers - If you hear the phrase "Kooter Booter!!!" shouted from a close range, directly behind you, then you are most likely a 13 year old Middle Eastern girl about to be kicked in the vagina, toes up, from a steel toe yielding Frank Mir....aside from the emotional trauma of an unprovoked 240lb American kick-fucking her happy-land, the young girl will also have to cope with an obliterated hymen, and eventually come to terms with the fact that no man in her society, sharing the same cultural and moral values, will want her without her virginal seed....

Frank Mir - Cunt-punting virginity since 1995.


Frank Mir always takes a penny.

frank mir gave leary his first hit of acid, which eventually led to millions of otherwise normal children dropping out of school and refusing to shower. this was all an elaborate plan to create people that smelled worse than him and take some of the heat off.

frank mir created hippies. bastard!

Frank Mir farts in envelopes and sends them to Brazil. He calls them "Joke of Mir".


LOL...Mom Jeans...someone has to post of pic of those...Ha

 One sunny morning in April of 1995, Frank Mir met a down-on-his-luck Army veteran....a decorated soldier who served his country in the Gulf War, the man was now struggling in life, feeling left behind by society, and all alone in the country he called home.....As fate would have it that April morning, Frank was feeling what would easily be misinterpreted as "charitable"....yet, his intentions were far more sinister....

Frank told the man of a government program recently instituted that was handing out billions of dollars worth of tax surplus dollars to military veterans....not only did Frank provide the lifechanging information to the decorated soldier, he even handed him the keys to a U-Haul, telling him "Just pull up to the front of the building, and they'll load up your crates of money, brother!"

....I can't help but think that the last thing to go through Timothy McVeigh's mind...other than the sodium thiopental, pancuronium, and potassium chloride....was to wonder how the hell a man like Frank Mir got the best of him.

12/3/08 - Frank Mir blurts out "This fucking thing" on live television, spoiling the innocence of children everywhere.


Frank Mir suggested to Pamela Anderson to use the same tattoo needle as Tommy Lee.

Frank Mir -- giving people Hep C since 2002.


 Frank Mir dropped off little boys at the Neverland Ranch after luring them inside his old van with free candy and pony rides.

Whenever Frank Mir says "Nice!", he really means "I'm going to make a lampshade out of your thighs"

Hillary - Frank Mir suggested to Pamela Anderson to use the same tattoo needle as Tommy Lee.

Frank Mir -- giving people Hep C since 2002.
great one Hillary. I've also heard that Frank Mir rigged the election. Hate the Frank


 Frank Mir stole Junie Browning's meds and put alot of glasses in the house

Frank Mir shot Jesse James in the back.

Frank Mir once shot a man for snoring.