Frank Mir is the Devil.

 Wednesday, December 10, 2008.....

Frank Mir, relaxing in his leather chair made from the hides of stolen puppies, tunes in to watch UFN Fight For the 9:27PM, as Frank witnesses Steve Cantwell break the right arm of Razak Al-Hussan, he sets aside his six-gallon tub of Culver's Frozen Aborted Baby Custard just long enough to bellow out a resounding "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice!!"........

....he then raped the cat, as Frank Mir never wastes a good boner.

oldfatwrestler - He didn't pull out now I'm making more chocolate milkshake than Mickey Ds.


what does that even mean?

Chimono - 
oldfatwrestler - He didn't pull out now I'm making more chocolate milkshake than Mickey Ds.


what does that even mean?
"He didn't pull his cock out of my ass when he came, so now I'm making more chocolate

milkshake(s) than Mickey D's
(McDonalds)" .......

......if I had to guess, anyways.

i see............

Chimono now deeply regrets having asked that, and will need moths of therapy just to make the image go away.

Frank Mir told Steve Cantwell that breaking arms is a good thing.

I saw Mir stomping poor helpless kittens!

Frank Mir invented swamp ass

Frank Mir is STILL recommending mortgage-backed securities as a wise investment . . .

. . . and that's AFTER the forced sodomy.

Frank Mir killed Chimono.

Frank Mir told Corey Hill to throw a leg kick..

JohnnyLawrence - Frank Mir told Corey Hill to throw a leg kick..


said nice things about kimbo slice one time.


Frank Mir touched my special place

Frank sent a fake letter from Iberra to Wandy....he said he did it to be more like juni........

Franks Mir really has a six-pack. He only sticks his stomach out when he's being filmed.

Savron - Frank Mir does not wipe.


Gemini2281 - Frank Mir killed Chimono.

How many times do I have to tell you people I'm still alive!! I'll be coming out of my coma any day now, it's a 99% done deal! as soon as Tito signs a new recording breaking contract with whatever flavor of the month organization he can con into picking him up, Chimono will be out of his coma, the very next day!

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, Frank Mir visited Chimono in the hospital one day and unplugged my respirator, just so he could laugh while I was gurgling. True story.

One night, my wife and I were having a romantic dinner at Romeo's, one of our favorite spots here in Austin.

The veal was a bit spicy, and I excused myself from the table for a moment. As I entered the restroom, I heard a distantly-familiar voice from the farthest stall.

"Hey, you! C'mere."

"Yeah?" I inquired, the strains of Deano's rendition of 'That's Amore' wafting in from the just closed restroom door.

A slight fidget behind the stall. "There's no toilet paper in here. Can you help me out?"

"Sure, man," I said, thinking I'd do my good deed for the day and leave the stall's occupant to his business. I tore some sheets from the roll in the stall closest to the door and moved toward the back of the restroom to assist a fellow in need. As I approached the stall in-use, the door opened a crack.

"Hey, it's former UFC Heavyweight Champion, Frank Mir!" I exclaimed.

Opening the stall entrance a bit wider, Mr. Mir asked, "Do you ever have a problem with shit getting stuck in your hair?"

Flabbergasted, I responded with the only logical answer that sprang into my mind, "No . . . but I don't see what that . . ."

As I was mid-sentence, Frank exploded into a frenzy of action. Leaping from the toilet, he connected with a vicious double-leg that saw me prone on the cold bathroom floor. Knowing the devil that is Frank Mir, I prepared myself for forced sodomy, mortgage-backed security investment advice, a request for directions to my mother's house so he could fuck her then kill her, or (given my complete lack of ability) a promotion to brazilian jiujitsu black belt.

Through squinted, tear-filled eyes, I saw Mir's shadow hover over me for a moment . . .

. . . .

. . . .

. . . then he wiped his ass on my head.

Frank Mir has taken the "fattest man with V-cut" award away from hiptosser.

Frank Mir date raped my neighbor's sister.
