Frank Mir is the Devil.

Frank Mir beat Brock Lesnar

Frank Mir lied about Iraq.

Frank Mir landed a Macho Man style flying elbow drop off a cage platform, on a spectator and started a massive riot.

The above, while hilarious, is not a joke.

Frank Mir spills soda on the floors of movie theaters across America so the floors will get super sticky.
He also sticks his gum under the tables at every resturant he goes to.

Balloons make Nogueria smile.
popping balloons makes Mir Smile.

Frank Mir is that banker guy behind the glass on "Deal or No Deal"

also, the idea for the show was his...

Frank Mir likes to sniff blow off of tranny asses

Frank Mir is a Vampire

Frank Mir likes to jack off into the soap dispensers at the showers of your local gyms

I received a knock at my door yesterday.

On the way to answer, I casually asked, "Who is it?"

"Singing telegram," came the reply.

Sweet, I thought. I've never had one of those.

When I opened the door, I was greeted with a punch to the face. Teary-eyed and spitting blood, I looked at the delivery guy in shock. To my surprise, rather than pouncing on me, he placed a folded letter into my open hand, turned, and walked away.

Still flabbergasted, I unfolded the letter and read it:

"Dear Whoever,

I don't know who you are, nor do I care who you are. However, please enjoy this punch to the face as if it were delivered by me personally.

-Frank Mir"

Frank Mir: outsources the ass-whippings of nobodies.

Frank Mir double dipped his carrot sticks at every Christmas Party he went to this year.

Frank Mir shocked the world and schooled Minotauro on the feet, a place where everyone 'in the know' said he'd be a dead man.

Congrats to Frank Mir on the best performance of his career.

Frank Mir used my bathroom, just to do an upper decker.

 The Frank interview thread comparing Brock to his little sister made me think of this thread, lol....



Haulport - Frank Mir double dipped his carrot sticks at every Christmas Party he went to this year.
that's just rude on Frank's part.


Frank is a mod dressed up as a mudnammer - still trying to figure out what name he posts under - damn you Mir...

Frank will hang for his biased WEC commentary.

Thread title is now incorrect. Frank is WORSE than the devil.

Jesus CHRIST Frank.

I've noticed a decent increase in Frank Mir hate from various corners recently...

Is there something I missed? Terrible commentary? Hype comments confused for him being an egomaniac (a forum fave)?