Frank Mir is the Devil.

I think it's more the increased awareness of all the other things Frank has done. See the first 12 pages of this thread for details.

Wooden - look at the following pics of Frank and you tell us whether or not he is the devil (blue namer please). The pics below says it all. The 2nd pic was taken by Mir at a party after telling the woman to the right that the chick with the tatoo's thought she was a b$tch. The 3rd pic is a look at a fighter after looking into the eyes of Mir - he will never be the same.

Frank 'the Soul Taker' Mir..

 During fights Frank Mir sits close by using a microphone and earpeice telling Cecil Peoples how to score each round.


Damn you Mir..


I shouldn't have posted those blind because they are really not funny.  At all.

Frank Mir will get on TV and say he will take a baseball bat out of your hand and beat you with it.

Really man? REALLY?

Commercial was awful. Awful douchy.

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^ LOL @ only 10 people in the world who could give Frank a fight on any given night. You silly devil, you.

Recently, Frank Mir was overheard telling Dana White, "Y'know, I just can't concentrate before a match with all the managers back here. Could you do something about that?"

Frank Mir greased during our fight. And then made my mom and lawyer look like total fools by not even bothering to show up at the hearing.

Frank Mir was seen celebrating with Somali pirates at Margaritaville in Cozumel

cristianjp - 
BryanPardoe - Frank Mir one of the best Jiu-Jitsu heavyweights out there. He has a solid chin, and good stand up. If his conditioning is on he will be the next UFC heavyweight camp.The one time he cornered me was one of my best fights. All of this disrespect for him is Retarded.

Party pooper.
no kidding, it's a lighthearted thread. I bet Frank Mir has seen this and laughed his ass off at it(long as he was in a decent mood). Lighten up Mr Pardoe, everything shouldn't be taken so serious.


 btw, Frank Mir pissed in my headgear alledgedly

Frank Mir promoted John Decyk to chain belt.

This thread is a win b/c of Vinny's participation.

Frank Mir used the last piece of toilet paper.


Frank Mir was Chuck Liddels new boxing coach.

Frank Mir tortured a Meerkat because he thought it was mocking him with its existence