Frank Mir is the Devil.

Frank Mir follows the ice cream truck around just to push over little children as soon as they buy their ice cream.

Frank Mir framed the "Just Bleed" guy.

Apologies if this was in any way suggested in the previous 13 pages.

 This thread was funny both times Ive read it.. lol

 Frank Mir recorded and uploaded Todd Cutler's sparring highlight video.

Frank Mir doesn't know who Karo is, bro.

Frank Mir.....beat me by decision. That jerk.


Frank exploded in a paranoid rage at an invitation-only Macy's basement party after insisting to all his mime friends that the mannequins upstairs were talking shit about him.

frank mir came to the hospital i work at and visited the kids on the cancer floor, one of the kids had a brock lesnar shirt on so frank told the kid that the eater bunny wasnt real.....

frank mir IS the devil

Mir was Joe Son trainer and helped develope Joe Son Do...

Frank Mir is Mark Pavelich's silent business consultant relative to screwing, I mean finding and paying fighters for future cards in Canada..

Frank Mir canceled Mike Bisping's wake-up call before Dean Amrasinghe's fight!

Frank Mir directed Highlander 2 and Highlander The Source

Frank Mir stepped in front of the one camera that had a clear angle when Gina Carano's towel slipped.

Chuck Norris uses Mir's face for a dart board

frank mir changed his name from mur to mir. its true.

Frank Mir is Kim Couture's divorce attorney.

Frank Mir cuts little kids in line to ride the Frate Trane!

 Frank Mir actually broke IN to prison, raped Joe Son, then walked out the front door like, "What!?!"

Frank Mir puts scabs into frosted flakes boxes.

 Frank Mir agreed to give Shonie Carter a ride to New Orleans. When he got there, Shonie threw all his shit in the car but Frank sped away before Shonie could get in, laughing the whole way

saw him steal this kids ice cream cone the other friend and i looked at each other and he said to me "hey man, isnt that Frank Mir who just stole that little kid's ice cream cone?"...I said "ya, I think so...but what the fuck is he eating that shit for?"....then he said to me "do u think Lesner's eating ice cream?".....I said "I donno man"....then we kinda just went about our day......but seriously, what kind of shit is that to be eating?.....Thats the problem with robbing kids for food on the streets these days...with the obesity problem as bad as it is its really hard to get ready for a fight that way....its all Dana Whites fault really.,...if he just paid these guys what they are worth they wouldnt be doing stupid shit like this to survive....I say we impeach Dana....I vote for a removal and a vote of no confidence as Dana as the leader of MMA.....and we better do it quick..remember Frank carries at leat 4 or 5 guns on him...what if some fat kid who really loves his ice cream had resisted?? really could have been a black day in MMA!....this is bullshit!