Frank Mir is the Devil.

DannyOcean - Frank Mir follows the ice cream truck around just to push over little children as soon as they buy their ice cream.

I lol'd.

But on a more serious note, Frank Mir stole food-stamps from a family of five. On his way out, he took the youngest child's Tapout shirt because he said "it would look better on me." The shirt did not fit Frank Mir, so he sold it on ebay later that day.

Frank Mir decided that it would be a good idea to start a rave at an Epilepsy Awareness charity event.

If that wasn't bad enough, he then proceeded to do his best, incredibly non-politically correct impression of the poor victims that were having seizures on the floor.

 Frank Mir suggested that Chuck should fight Shogun after the Rua Coleman fight...

Strung56 - Frank Mir decided that it would be a good idea to start a rave at an Epilepsy Awareness charity event.


 Frank Mir once peed on a puppy.

I saw it.

Made me weep !!!

brianmeyers -  For several years, Frank Mir adopts an orphaned child once a month....

He files all of the correct paperwork, sits through the interviews, and even meets with a couple of candidates. After the state agents give their approval, and the final week of red tape is dealt with, Frank writes the young, hopeful child. He writes of swingsets, puppydogs and Santa grandparents and birthday cakes....brothers and sisters and a place to call home....A whole new world for one lucky child....Come adoption day, the young child sits out on the steps of the orphanage, bags packed, smiling from ear to ear as he dreams of better days to come....10AM comes quickly...noon follows suit....3PM comes and goes, and before the child knows it, the sun has fallen, and rain has started to fall in the darkness....Exactly one week later, Frank takes a picture with a random young child at an amusement park, holding an ice cream cone in one hand and a Labrador puppy in the other....he sends it to the distraught and heartbroken child at the orphanage, and attatched to the picture is a note, with three simple yet devastating words....

"Found someone better!"

Frank Mir - Shattering the dreams of orphans since 2001.

Frank Mir left a flaming bag of dogshit on my front door step and well you know the rest of the story. goes off to clean shoes

Frank Mir would have been the 20th hijacker, but slept in after an all-night foursome with Wandy Sykes, Rush Limbaugh and a bottle of Oxycodone.

Frank Mir gave birth to Osama Bin Laden after a threesome one night stand with Elton John and Olympia Dukakis.

He battled Charlie Daniels down in Georgia too. 

Frank Mir legalized waterboarding.

newbloodmma -  Frank Mir agreed to give Shonie Carter a ride to New Orleans. When he got there, Shonie threw all his shit in the car but Frank sped away before Shonie could get in, laughing the whole way

 lmao!  Awesome!

 Frank Mir TKO'd Big Nog.

True story.

If Frank Mir falls to the mat and there is no one else there, does it make a noise?

Frank Mir takes the honey out of Honey Nut Cheerios

I had Frank Mir deliver my mom's mother's day gift. He rang the doorbell and when my answered the door he was holding a beautifully wrapped gift. When she opend the box out popped Frank's hand he slapped my mother. I don't mean back handed pimp slap, I'm talking a Charlie Murphy/Rick James slap where he brought his down and slammed her head on the concrete. Thanks for ruining mother's day Frank.

 Frank Mir masterminded the Kennedy assasination!

DaddyDirtyShogunnedMe - 
newbloodmma -  Frank Mir agreed to give Shonie Carter a ride to New Orleans. When he got there, Shonie threw all his shit in the car but Frank sped away before Shonie could get in, laughing the whole way

 lmao!  Awesome!

 Frank Mir also cut off and gave the finger to an old lady in this debacle

Frank Mir once shot a man just for snoring, and then shot another man for not snoring.

Frank Mir signed Kimbo to TUF.