Frank Mir is the Devil.

 Frank Mir invented the Mirror.

 frank mir has gas........... really really bad gas

Spartan1017 -  Frank Mir masterminded the Kennedy assasination!

Frank Mir was the actual gunman on the grassy knoll.

Frank Mir approached Bernie Madoff and said, "Y'know, I've got a helluva business model . . ."

Frank Mir spent last week off the coast of Brasil "for no particular reason"


 Frank Mir is one of the guys with the hammer.

Thor - Frank Mir dared me to ignore the "NO SMOKING" sign............ON THE HINDENBURG!!!!

one of my faves!

Frank Mir voted for Obama!

Frank Mir eats the topps off of muffins and gives the rest to the homeless

im glad more people have come forward

Frank Mir is behind the gas prices going up..........

the professor of mma - Frank Mir takes the honey out of Honey Nut Cheerios

And then he puts the "nut" in.

Frank Mir gave Brock his tattoo advice........

Jews4Jesus - Frank Mir sprayed me with a water hose when I was stone cold drunk sleeping on the lawn. He also called me a fatherless bastard.
I hate myself for laughing so hard at this..

Frank Mir made Michael Jackson white


 FM drew on me wrestlin' boots and tea-bagged me gumshield.

Frank made me get a hair cut like HIS. God, the horror.

Frank Murr & JOB's tortoise double teamed me. You'd be suprised how big a tortoise can be well its well up for it.