Frank Mir is the Devil.

^^what did mr sniffles ever do to u!

Frank Mir's BB test includes breaking the arms of orphans.

Frank Mir is the one responsible for getting poor Josh Barnett addicted to the Juice.

 Frank Mir farts on his training partners during BJJ.

Mir taught Barnett how to cycle

kalki - Frank Mir gave Brock his tattoo advice........

ha HA!

Frank Mir called OMA the other day and told him Kimo had died.

 Frank Mir is TMZ's official source for news.

Frank Mir is not impressed with his own per-for-mance

RearNakedJoke - Frank Mir voted for Obama!

 he may be the devil, but at least he isn't stupid.

Frank Mir advised Micheal Bisping to circle to his right.

 Frank Mir called Josh Barnett and told him to try these new 100% legal supplements he was on, he told him thats how he got so ripped for the Brock fight.


Frank Mir said Transformers would be a great Trilogy. WTF!!

 Frank Mir poisoned Mr. Rogers with hemlock.

 Frank Mir does not use toilet paper after daily bowel movements.....he uses baby wipes....nothing strange in itself....however, he doesn't flush the wipes....rather, he saves them in a plastic bag....once a week, he casually strolls down the street, bag in hand, heading toward the discount laundry mat, all while whistling and kicking helpless stray animals into traffic.....once he arrives, he cases the establishment and current clientel, studying their movements and patterns.....watching....waiting....and then.....

....he makes his move.

While backs are turned, and without suspicion, Frank makes his way to running dryers, sneaks open the door, and tosses in one of the fecal-stained wipes....he then inserts an additional quarter for "proper baking time".....

An estimated thousands of victims can attest.....

......Frank Mir manufactures the shittiest fabric softener.

Frank Mir turned the ringer off on Kimo's phone.

Frank Mir shit in my yard and made my dog step in it.

Frank Mir grabbed OMA's sweaty balls moments before they snapped his mugshot.


I'm pretty sure he brokered my adjustable rate mortgage

I hate the Meeerrrrrrr

 Frank Mir's sperm has the consistency of Cool Whip, in load amounts of an African bull elephant, and the regenerative capabilities 1,000x that of a normal human male....a fact that, on it's own, is more impressive than diabolacle....however, it's when you dig a bit deeper into Frank's past that you realize his God-given oddity was being imposed onto society in ways that would make the Tylenol murderer cringe with moral appall....

Frank worked a 73 day stint for a Hostess snack factory back in what is now regarded by business historians as "the worst human resources decision in recorded human history", Frank was given a position as cream-filler....when factory managers became aware of what Frank was doing, they summoned him to an upstairs office, where they attempted to fire him....Frank being the devil and all, he knew this day would come....rather than be fired, Frank offered to resign, but with one condition.... No recall will be announced.

While the managers initially laughed at Frank's condition, they soon realized the severity of the situation when Mir produced not only captive photos of the Product Developer's grandmother and the CEO's prize-winning racehorse, but additional photos of Frank brutally raping the captives....they had no other choice but to comply with Frank's one evil demand.....

In closing, did you not consume a Twinkie, Ho-Ho or Suzie-Q at any point between 1997 and 2000.....

.....consider yourself lucky.

Frank Mir:  Mouth-fucked more fat people than Jenny Craig.