Frank Mir is the Devil.

This one bandcamp...Frank Mir stuck a flute up his pussy.

Frank Mir suggested that Rampage take up acting.

 Lot of Mir hate huh? 


 Frank Mir was the gunman on the grassy knoll

 Me and Frank Mir got on the same elevator once.  He was getting off on the 4th floor and I was getting off on the 26th.  just as  we reached the 4th floor, Frank Mir quickly pressed all the floor buttons on the elevator, called me a fag, and then exited the elevator laughing.

 Frank Mir once shot a glass jar with a pellet gun just as some guy was sitting on it, causing the jar to break.  This malicious act left a poor man bleeding profusely with shards of glass trapped in his rectum.

 Frank Mir is Dan Quinns uncle. 

 Frank Mir took my mom out for a nice seafood dinner and never called her again.

 Frank Mir gave Jimmy Fallon his own talk show

Frank Mir put poison in my bottle of Tylenol

Just Frank Mir calls the bout:


frank mir thought machida beat shogun

This thread's been hijacked by current-events-news talk-show-monologue style humor.

Please do not contribute to this thread unless your humor is from WAY out of fucking left field. Borderline sick if it has to be.

Timely humor = teh suck. I want ten deranged non-sequitur posts by this time tomorrow.

Frank Mir killed JFK.
Frank Mir killed Michael Keatons career.
Frank Mir clubs baby seals and leaves fliers for his gym stating if you wanna be a real martial artist, you gotta do "WHAT IT TAKES"

I'm pretty sure he armbarred my Aunt in a supermarket produce section while fighting over the last Butternut Squash....

Frank Mir shot Deb and killed Lundy on the last episode of Dexter.

Frank Mir is going to get wrecked by Cheick Kongo.

 Mir likes to soccer kick puppies and kittens straight into the grave when he's feeling bored.

Frank Mir trains UFC judges.