Frank Mir is the Devil.

Frank Mir negotiated Fancy Pants' Hoelzer Reich sponsorship.

Frank Murr once set a bag of shit on fire at my doorstep

And Frank Mir has never payed for drugs.... NOT EVER.....

Frank Mir almost, ALMOST rid the world of Lesnar fans when he nearly tore Lesnar's leg off!

Oh wait that's a good thing :(

Frank Mir hates Christmas!

Oh wait he's Jewish.

 Frank Mir made fun of my broken english.

Frank Mir is Tiger's 12th mistress

 Frank Mir promised he would call me after that night at the motel.

/sad face

Frank Mir stole my mother's underwear just to fart on them.

Frank Mir finishes the coffee in my office and does not make a new pot.

Frank Mir stole my space station, and burned it up in the atmosphere.

Frank Mir says that Fedor is not the best and still has something to prove even though he secretly watches all of Fedors fights over and over, including his ring entrances.

^ talkin ain't posting.

well it is... but.... you know what i mean

 Frank Mir buggered the Hubble.

 Frank Mir stuck a horseshoe up my ass.

Frank Mir had sex with my tortoise.

...and couldn't keep up.

MrWhitey - Frank Mir broke into my house and raided the fridge. When I came home I found him naked on the couch rubbing a turnip stuffed with beef liver on his dick. When he saw me he said, "Whoah, my bad!" and left.


ChokeTheFace - Mir killed Jesus.

This is untrue. Jesus escaped the RNC and tapped Mir out in the 3rd round with a knee bar.

 Frank Mir hacked my facebook and took a shit on my front lawn.  I come out and the bastard is hauling ass down the street w/his pants only half way up yet  wiping his ass.  The bastard.

 Frank Mir took my prize winning UFC chistmas ornament and ground it underneath his heel.My boys started to cry and he called them " little Lesnars"