Frank Mir is the Devil.

Enemies - Frank Mir made the first Sherdog forum post.


Frank Mir farts at funerals.

Kalle Mero - 
JOB - Frank Mir had sex with my tortoise.

C'mon, your tortoise is a total slut, and everybody knows it. Who HASN'T your tortoise slept with?

Pffft, when an MMA fighter bangs a bunch of tortoises he's the man, but a tortoise gives it up to an MMA fighter and she's a slut.

shakes head
Typical double-standard.

Frank Mir invented the vuvuzela.

 frank mir stole my strawberries :(

Frank Mir is the reason LeBron didn't go to NY...

 Frank Mir pushed Gary Coleman down.

Frank Mir was Shane Carwin's conditioning coach

 Frank Mir told me the rest of you are retarded

Frank Mir knocks the Ice cream cones out of kids' hands when he goes to the park.

 Frank Mir instigated this fight...

^ and recorded it.

gary shaw stole my grandmothers virginity and made her the cheesy ring card girl that does the easy sleezy dancing at the old folks home thrusday night bingo games...but we love em cause hes got the coolest vellure sweatsuits

 ^^^ You fail


Frank Mir told deebosilva that his post was funny and he should share it with the UG


 Who let the dogs out?

Frank Mir did, and they attacked a child.

sacredhate - Frank Mir invented the vuvuzela.
LOL, I was thinking of posting that.



frank mir told me there wasnt a tooth fairy and said that he was santa and that he was the one that left the cookie crumbs on the floor and spilt the milk on the couch last christmas