Frank Mir is the Devil.

 frank Mir gave kevin Randleman staph, again.

I used to live next door to Frank Mir and he owned a 3 headed dog, which wasn't so bad, except that the damn thing never stopped barking.

Frank Mir refused to "cast it into the fire!"

Frank Mir wished that I had children so he could kick them in the fuckin' head and stomp on their testicles, so they could feel his pain, cause that's the pain he has, waking up everyday.

Frank Mir told Rampage he should pursue his acting career.

Frank Mir told Todd Duffee he had the fight in the bag and go ahead and coast in the 3rd round.

Frank Mir told Fedor "Why would you worry about his guard? You'll be fine. BJJ does not transition well into MMA."

darrow called out mir, and he still hasn't answered 

 Frank Mir talked Will Smith into remaking the Karate Kid, with his son in the starring role. 

Frank Mir taught Yves Lavigne how to ref.

Frank Mir is not a mortal man. He travels through time and perceives all outcomes and possiblities.

Fact: Da Vinci's 'Last Supper' has mysteriously had parts of the painting altered. Rumour has it that Judas Iscariot once wore a 'black belt'...

Frank Mir told sexiyama that Chris Leben doesnt know what BJJ is.

 whats that liiiiiine? is that supposed to be a mostache

Frank Mir wrote Twilight.

Those boys only pissed in that fruit dip because they know it would impress The Frank

Frank Mir made the first Sherdog forum post.

 Frank Mir is Cecil Peoples love spawn

Frank Mir is trying to bring 80's haircuts back in style.

thats actually a fact.

Frank Mir owns a Snuggee

Frank Mir swam to the bottom of the gulf and yanked that gushing oil-well cap off himself 80-something days ago...

what a dick.