Frank Mir is the Devil.

^ he's got the self-satisfied air of a guy who made a killing taking a well-disguised dive. Next will be beating a gonzaga or rothwell to setup another big payday against Brock.

 Frank Mir told Mayhem to challenge Shields to a rematch....

Frank Mir told Hendo to try out his chiropractor.

JohnnyLawrence -  Frank Mir told Mayhem to challenge Shields to a rematch....

damn it..... too quick for me lawrence.

Frank Mir beat death into a living Shamrock and ruined St. Patty's day forever.

Frank Mir has been giving Tito advice on how to "handle" women.

Frank Mir made 400 threads about alleged events.

Frank Mir taught Urijah how to check leg kicks

Frank Mir spoiled the finale of Lost. It turns out he is the smoke monster's true form.

Frank Mir told Mike Brown's GF to dump him.

Frank Mir posts on the UG as Zamiel

Frank Mir spreads his shit out in a sheet and takes a cookie cutter to it and then bakes the shit and passes out the shit cookies to kids.

frank mir bakes and eats his own cookies

Frank Mir scored the fight 30-27 Leonard Garcia.

 Frank Mir pooped in the refrigerator and ate an entire wheel of cheese.

Frank Mir kicks puppies for fun.

Mir took my Mom out for a nice seafood dinner then never called her back.

Frank Mir installed the safety valve in the Deep Water Horizon

Frank Mir travelled backwards through time to sabotage the LHC.

JOB - 

 BAHAHAHA THAT'S FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!