Frank Mir is the Devil.

Frank Mir purchases low-rent housing next to playgrounds for the sole purpose of accomodating registered sex offenders.

 Frank Mir told me to go fight in Japan where the competition is easier.

Then he sprayed me with a water hose when I was sleeping in the front yard.

 Frank Mir got destroyed by Lesnar on the ground, the same place where he was going to "rip one of Lesnar's arms or legs off," and continues to act like it was a fluke loss. 

Frank Mir helped Comcast negotiate DirecTV's contract for the Versus channel.

Frank Mir sent anonymous e-mails to Tim Sylvia in the spring of 2003. The content of the e-mails contained brash and hurtful remarks regarding Big Tim's figure.


Frank Mir showed up to a fundraising charity event for Haiti and urinated in the donation box. He then tried to blame it on a disabled kid. What a dick...

Frank Mir told me repeatedly to rub the lotion on my skin before I get the hose again.....

Frank Mir stole the original script for the last episode of the Sopranos. Due to schedule conflicts and cut backs they rushed through the last taping and we all saw how it ended.... just wasn't necessary for it to end like that.

Insert something funny here about Frank Mir and global warming. 

 Frank Mir is the BJJ coach for the AL Queda

brianmeyers -  One sunny morning in April of 1995, Frank Mir met a down-on-his-luck Army veteran....a decorated soldier who served his country in the Gulf War, the man was now struggling in life, feeling left behind by society, and all alone in the country he called home.....As fate would have it that April morning, Frank was feeling what would easily be misinterpreted as "charitable"....yet, his intentions were far more sinister....

Frank told the man of a government program recently instituted that was handing out billions of dollars worth of tax surplus dollars to military veterans....not only did Frank provide the lifechanging information to the decorated soldier, he even handed him the keys to a U-Haul, telling him "Just pull up to the front of the building, and they'll load up your crates of money, brother!"....I can't help but think that the last thing to go through Timothy McVeigh's mind...other than the sodium thiopental, pancuronium, and potassium chloride....was to wonder how the hell a man like Frank Mir got the best of him.

Oh sweet powerful Lord. So much brilliance in such a small post. Didn't see it coming at all.

Frank Mir convinced Kirik to remove the 25 & 50 ppp option from the UG.

Frank Mir would not call the amber lamps

 Frank Mir put a horseshoe up my butt. Not cool, Frank

Oddly enough, Frank Mir was absent from last night's WEC broadcast. However, recent video evidence points to his presence, as a familiar voice was heard in Brian Bowles' corner, saying "It's your hand, man. You can't live without your hand. You'll have other fights, but this is your hand!"

 I had to dig these dried bones back up.

Just cuz, Frank.

Frank Mir was seen in Anderson's locker room before 112 to bet him he wouldn't do his Royce Gracie stand-up impression in the actual title fight. 


Frank Mir just raped my hamster !

Frank Mir talked ridiculous amounts of shit about Brock, intentinoally making it appear that he was overlooking Carwin. This helped sway the betting odds in his favor, which of course was all part of the plan, as he bet the farm on a Carwin first round KO. He then allowed Carwin to dictate the pace and as the round reached the halfway point he intentionally turned his head to the side to take the full force of Carwin's uppercuts. Mir made a killing.

He is so diabolical, he must be the devil.

Frank Mir on his fight with Shane Carwin and who's next for him. Doesn't seem like the Devil to me.