#FranksFight & MMA Community Front Page News

Checking in to say I'm glad to hear Frank is doing well mentally :)

Can't stress enough how amazing you are Wendy to support him like you have been! Frank is a very lucky man.




and of course...fuCK THE UG!

TTT Phone Post

Luvdcuties -


The stem cell coordinator called and we are now waiting on a final date and Frank will be admitted for at least three weeks for the high dose chemo. We have been told once the cancer is gone he will be headed straight into a major surgery to remove lymphnodes. Frank is feeling good and although sore from some recent dental work he is doing good. He is at the moment playing his Xbox 360 which means a good day ;)

**Hidden Contest Update**

We had a donation yesterday from Justin and for that we say ty and congrats your wristband and magnet will be in the mail soon!!

Here are links associated with #FranksFight


Front Page News

Facebook Page

#FranksFight Website and Store

#FranksFight Calo Products and such


That's good to hear, what does Frank like to play? Is he on X-Box live? My gamertag is Metulhed if he wants to play some UFC sometime. Phone Post

UGCTT Captain America - 
Luvdcuties -


The stem cell coordinator called and we are now waiting on a final date and Frank will be admitted for at least three weeks for the high dose chemo. We have been told once the cancer is gone he will be headed straight into a major surgery to remove lymphnodes. Frank is feeling good and although sore from some recent dental work he is doing good. He is at the moment playing his Xbox 360 which means a good day ;)

**Hidden Contest Update**

We had a donation yesterday from Justin and for that we say ty and congrats your wristband and magnet will be in the mail soon!!

Here are links associated with #FranksFight


Front Page News

Facebook Page

#FranksFight Website and Store

#FranksFight Calo Products and such


That's good to hear, what does Frank like to play? Is he on X-Box live? My gamertag is Metulhed if he wants to play some UFC sometime. Phone Post

He is on xbox live and he plays many things rofl. I will pass along your gamertag and your message.


Frank got a call from disability and they let him know that they knew about the mma community helping us out with 4,000.00. Tells you they read the paper. Anyway she then goes on to tell my husband he will get 850.00 a month to live on starting in December. He would not be given anything from the time he became disabled because it is considered a waiting period. Wow I mean really how...
does a person live off of 850.00 lmao. They teach you about the "American Dream" as a child and they neglect to tell you that if you become disbaled you will never get the "American Dream". Mind you we are sitting in our house listening to the siding ripping off the side of our house.....what a day. The only good side of the house is we do not own it. We will continue to fundraise and have an exciting offer soon to come details to follow when I have all details ;) Thank you all for continuing to support our family.

Creepy Shirts
All tee shirts were ordered and warren is planning to print them on Friday I will keep you updated as it all happens ;)

Sweet for the shirts... told my Supervision I am growing a handlebar stache to go with the shirt... hell with military regs.

Loadin76 - 

Sweet for the shirts... told my Supervision I am growing a handlebar stache to go with the shirt... hell with military regs.

Lmao Funny I am finding fun in this whole tee-shirt process. Get all excited for the next step lol

othree - 

Checking in to say I'm glad to hear Frank is doing well mentally :)

Can't stress enough how amazing you are Wendy to support him like you have been! Frank is a very lucky man.




and of course...fuCK THE UG!

Ty I do what I have to in order to make sure my husband lives a happy life for as long as he has it. Not knowing if the treatment is going to work means we have to live for today so that is what we do.  When you go through something like this you gain a whole new perspective on life.

Hadoukenkieran - 

I lost my father to cancer, it's heart breaking to hear when people have it :/
WAR FRANK! Phone Post

Sry about the loss of your father. Ty for sharing and supporting my husband. We so appreciate all the support!

War frank!!! TTT Phone Post

Gl frank and wendy!

Wendy are you sure disability doesnt give you back pay from it was filed and approved?

I got a letter saying i get mine in Febuary, But few days later i got another letter saying i will get it now and for two months back.

I have a good social worker who helped me, Might be worth looking into for you two.

My prognosis got alot worse, Im started some nasty chemo, and im also now eating and juicing a ton of veggies and fruits to fight cancer that has grown fast in my stomach.

I have read some great success stories eating right foods, Many stage 4 patients coming back from terminal prognosis thru eating and juicing cancer fighting foods

Franks threads help me to stay positive, Awesome to see support people give.

GL FRANK Beat this!!! Phone Post

wreckker - Gl frank and wendy!

Wendy are you sure disability doesnt give you back pay from it was filed and approved?

I got a letter saying i get mine in Febuary, But few days later i got another letter saying i will get it now and for two months back.

I have a good social worker who helped me, Might be worth looking into for you two.

My prognosis got alot worse, Im started some nasty chemo, and im also now eating and juicing a ton of veggies and fruits to fight cancer that has grown fast in my stomach.

I have read some great success stories eating right foods, Many stage 4 patients coming back from terminal prognosis thru eating and juicing cancer fighting foods

Franks threads help me to stay positive, Awesome to see support people give.

GL FRANK Beat this!!! Phone Post

Stay Strong, you have the right attitude to get threw this... Hopefully the new diet will help things out... Let us know if there's anything we can do to help!

Fuck Cancer Phone Post

wreckker - 

Gl frank and wendy!

Wendy are you sure disability doesnt give you back pay from it was filed and approved?

I got a letter saying i get mine in Febuary, But few days later i got another letter saying i will get it now and for two months back.

I have a good social worker who helped me, Might be worth looking into for you two.

My prognosis got alot worse, Im started some nasty chemo, and im also now eating and juicing a ton of veggies and fruits to fight cancer that has grown fast in my stomach.

I have read some great success stories eating right foods, Many stage 4 patients coming back from terminal prognosis thru eating and juicing cancer fighting foods

Franks threads help me to stay positive, Awesome to see support people give.

GL FRANK Beat this!!! Phone Post

I will be appealing once the paperwork comes through. You never know until you try.Sorry about your prognosis but as I have watched Frank go from a bad prognosis to a somewhat better prognosis all I can say is keep fighting. I have read about the eating the right food s stories too and it can help all depends on the person and the cancer I would assume. I have seen Frank at his worst and watch himpull out no reason why you cannot do the same thing. Keep doing what your doing and gl!!!

Luvdcuties -
wreckker -  Gl frank and wendy!

Wendy are you sure disability doesnt give you back pay from it was filed and approved?

I got a letter saying i get mine in Febuary, But few days later i got another letter saying i will get it now and for two months back.

I have a good social worker who helped me, Might be worth looking into for you two.

My prognosis got alot worse, Im started some nasty chemo, and im also now eating and juicing a ton of veggies and fruits to fight cancer that has grown fast in my stomach.

I have read some great success stories eating right foods, Many stage 4 patients coming back from terminal prognosis thru eating and juicing cancer fighting foods

Franks threads help me to stay positive, Awesome to see support people give.

GL FRANK Beat this!!! Phone Post

I will be appealing once the paperwork comes through. You never know until you try.Sorry about your prognosis but as I have watched Frank go from a bad prognosis to a somewhat better prognosis all I can say is keep fighting. I have read about the eating the right food s stories too and it can help all depends on the person and the cancer I would assume. I have seen Frank at his worst and watch himpull out no reason why you cannot do the same thing. Keep doing what your doing and gl!!!

I will keep the lot of you in my thoughts and prayers. If there's anything we can help you with, wreckker, let us know! The UG hates cancer! Phone Post

Cancer can Kiss my ass.... Hey Luvdcuties does Frank like Military Aircraft? We are having an airshow this weekend and wanna know if I should carry my FranksFight sign? lol


Checkin in to this thread to keep up with how things are goin. Lookin forward to rockin my shirt.

TTT Phone Post

Phone Post

Loadin76 - 

Cancer can Kiss my ass.... Hey Luvdcuties does Frank like Military Aircraft? We are having an airshow this weekend and wanna know if I should carry my FranksFight sign? lol

Yes he does. Funny you remind me of me lol Everytime I leave the house I usually have franks fight stuff or my stamper lol.

Meech - WAR FRANK!

Checkin in to this thread to keep up with how things are goin. Lookin forward to rockin my shirt.

Creepy shirts are being printed today yay warren has been keeping me updated and it is quite exciting. So we are another step closer to the shirts being at everyones door ;)