Free Muaythai T-Shirt Giveaway Contest #3

  WOW , just give it to ClayM. POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT on the cheap... I too have been through 'some' life 'trials', but not cancer, yes- addictions(HARDCORE, and clean 12 years) , no Bobsled- I road and mountain bike raced for 7 years,got hurt bad several times, but at 46, FUCK THE WORLD, I've just lost 60 pounds(another 20 for the target/dream weight) in the last year,FEEL GREAT,actually getting laid, training hard,inspired and encouraged, due a GREAT deal to the excitement of Muay Thai and and MMA. I bought my own thai pads, Twins headgear,gloves, et al.I watched every episode of the Contender Muay Thai, online after VERSUS FUCKING FLAKED OUT. The huge numbers of Thai pad training drills on youtube are in my 'favorites', as well as watching 'Live' and recent bouts from Thailand. The WAI KRU is, well, magical. Enough blather. THANKS for being cool.

Training improved my sex life.
Before I started training I would only be able to go for 2-3 minutes before passing out in a defeated state of self pitty. After training Muay thai for 3 years I can go for a solid 5 minutes before finishing like the champ I always knew I could be.

^^  LOL --- an all aflutter "My Hero"

What does Muay Thai mean?

I'm not talking about what it means literally.. but rather what it
stands for and represents to the many people who practice the art.
For some it is a way to stay in shape, burn calories, or blow off stress.
While others find it can be a way to channel aggression into a positive manner.

While all amazing things... for me, Muay Thai is more of a way of life than a sport.
I find Muay Thai transcending into my day to day life increasingly... solving
complex problems that I never thought solvable.
Let me explain.
While many practioners underestimate the use of leg kicks outside the ring,
I find the leg kick is extremely effective for things such as settling minor disputes
with roommates, keeping your boss in check, and even working your way up to the head of the grocery line.
I find that you can argue with a person, however I have yet to meet someone argue with a leg kick.

Thank you Muay Thai,




 MMA has made me a better person and ive gotten in great shape because of it. I've had two mma fights with only 1 year of mma training going 1-1 and in my loss I took it hard but i realized it made me a better fighter and a better person.

ttt for the last day.

winner will be chosen tonight @9pm. est

Congrats alvo69!!

Your enthusiasm won us over. PM me your size and address.

Thank you everyone for your posts and stories. We will be running another contest in a few weeks when we release our newest design.

 SCHWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  .......... Who'd have thought baring ones life on the UG would actually result in a POSITIVE!!!  Usually it's akin to bending over and grabbing one's ankles!!!!!!!!!!  THANKS SO MUCH!!!!   I'll PM you.  "bows with hands to forehead in APPRECIATION"

Alvo, you've got mail.

And Thanks again to everyone and stay tuned for the next UG give-away...

hey johnny maybe give me one for being born in essex county.

 GREAT SHIRT!! THANKS!! Johnny sent me out my shirt, as promised, and FAST!! It fit perfect.  A very nice tee manufacture as well. HIGH QUAL. I love the print , and the fact it's  MADE IN THE US FUCKIN' A !  I'll get   get back to you soon. Be Well, Alex   p.s. JOHNNY KNEES and  are RIGHTEOUS !!                                        

Hey Alex, glad you like the shirt. Thanks for the support :)

Sweet looking shirts, Johnny. Just ordered two.

Ah! I am guessing you are the Colorado order by the location on your profile?.?.

Your order made the shipping for today and was sent off a few hours ago. Usually takes about 6 days.

Thanks for the support!


Yes sir. Training at altitude makes a man out of you.
Thanks for the quick service!