FREE Xmas blue names !

btw here's the Official UG secret santa logo I made if anyone missed it

Couldn't afford do participate this year but I wanted to be a part of it. Happy holidays =)

MMApostle - 
jjj2121 - 
MMApostle - Damn 6 month rule haha, but I did make the official logo for the Annual UG Secret Santa which you can see in that thread...that should count for something =)

 IMO that is worthy

Hope so! haha ty
Zipplokk is a helluva guy, if I was a gambling man I'd bet he takes care of you...

...and I am a gambling man :)


Free is my middle name

fuck the blue name i want a pitbull. a Blue one with a tapout tatoo


6 months? Score!

Contributions? Wit and sarcasm count?

Ug is my home page and I'm on here all the time via iPhone amd computer would be awesome to get a blue name! Phone Post

jjj2121 -  please don't give one to joe bruce, that guy sucks...


Would love a free blue name in these hard economic times.

In for my first blue name. I was going to buy one this year but I spent all my money on my family's christmas. good luck to whoever gets it though!

I'd like to nominate Canada_88 for the blue that I missed out on in the last one pweeze! He's a good contributer and was nothing short of an absolute gentleman in our SN bet a few months ago :) WAR CANADA_88

wandyfan86 - 
jjj2121 -  please don't give one to joe bruce, that guy sucks...


Joe is good people IMHO

I'm part McCorkle.

in for the hell of it

TTT for Z

I always write posts that have to do with the topic, and never, EVER troll. I'm just an MMA fan lol. Phone Post

Lets give it a go!

I guess I'll toss my name in the hat for once. Don't know if I "deserve" one, but Ive wanted a blue name for some time but cant justify it because I have to try to survive on barely more than minimum wage while failing at saving for college. I got some bad health problems right around the time I started posting here that forced me to drop out of school, and this forum helped me through the worst of it.


Free blue names? I couldn't possibly get that lucky.

pick me pick me pick me