FREE Xmas blue names !

Awwww rats Phone Post

Stefan Struve didn't choose me with his abnormally long limbs in the McCorkle romoshop contest. I'm also drinking a Pepsi Max.

Hey guys, what's going on here?! :-)

joe bruce - give it to me to spite the haters

 You are a closeted homosexual, not that there is anything wrong with that.

Can Black nud maners apply

I'm Just a thug.

Plus i had to steal a bunch of shit from Wallmart for grappling class. And all i want for xmas is a gold grill.

thanks for the offer.

 What must I do to win this contest? 

 Kill yourself :-)

6 months?


Please, zipp, i'd really love being blue, I love this place. (Also sorry for posting too much on this thread.) Phone Post

You'd feel really fucking bad if I did it. Now where's my bluename Phone Post

It would be impressive, admit it.

 of course I'm kiding....


I never win anything!

Can't hurt to try though.


C'mon Mr. Zip, I'am about to have my one year. What better way to celebrate than with a BLUE!?!?!

Red is such a good color on you.

01'er here. Had to give the blue up after my daughter was born, trying to save any extra penny I could.

Have a great Christmas everyone!

Giving a blue to a lowly mud who also happens to be the lowliest of the low, a 10er, would set you karma so high into the positive that every time you burp an orphan will be adopted.

It's for the orphans....

Here are a couple of my contributions lately (both even made the news page):

TTT, Its pretty quality of you to be doing this so often.

jjj2121 - 
MMApostle - Damn 6 month rule haha, but I did make the official logo for the Annual UG Secret Santa which you can see in that thread...that should count for something =)

 IMO that is worthy

Hope so! haha ty