From Ettish to you Fat Asses

Ausgepicht- than it should be the same for the pros. Just because they are pros doesn't mean we have to kiss there ass. I kow it is a rule but it is a double standard. Don't get me wrong I enjoy having the pros on here but everybody should be held to the same standard. Just my 2 cents.


Trolling supports this board late at night lol

"Fred took a beating like a man."

Exactly. To paraphrase Renzo, "its easy to be the hammer."


There shouldn't be a double standard. I agree with you. I'm not sure though, how much slagging by pros on pros isn't bunk and sheer marketing for a fight.


Beanies off to the guys who came forward to say sorry to Fred, such as omaplata and RichardWagner. I don't know how hard it was to apologise, but you come across as much bigger men as a result.

Coolest posts I've read on here in a long time, and so encouraging to see. :-)

*gets down off soap box*


(allow me): t

Fred Etish rules.