From Mike Fowlers fb.

Wow that's crazy. I can't imagine...

How one person can deceive another that they "love" like that, is beyond me

Best to Mike on his journey, my hope is that he reaches a conclusion that gives him some peace

CompanyBlue - Nearly 30 replies and nobody has called Tracey a whore yet? Fowler got Maury povitched! Fucked up and fuck that bitch for fuckig shit up for all involved.
Voted up Phone Post 3.0

BackAddict347x - Unfortunately this wouldnt be the first time that Tracey has done something terrible to Mike. In fact, it was because of something else skanky that she had done was the reason he left TLI, his leaving actually had nothing to do with Lloyd, in spite of what he may have said in interviews, he just couldnt tell the truth of what REALLY happened because it would have embarrassed him. Maybe now due to recent events he'll explain why he really left, and some of the shady shit Tracey's done. Before I get burned at the stake, im not justifying or defending anything, but I am saying that ALOT of people used Tracey as fuel to the fire, and that was because Mike wasnt 100% honest (and anyone who actually knew what happened could understand why he wouldnt want to say all that publicly).
Damn... Cuckolded Phone Post 3.0