Frozen Thread Thread

ttt for Rene.r's logic and common sense.

TTT for a spam-free forum

MFC never learns...

Everyone learns.

lol, mfc has 6 threads on the go at the same time at the time of this post.

5 of them frozen...


A reminder for all members, all adults, who should all be acting
responsibly and maturely for the good of all forum members...

Not to knock u Rene but your first post on this thread you said that Rick had contacted u.I'm guessing not on a thread but I could be wrong.Nothing against Rick or you but shouldn't members of this forum have the same rights to ask u questions in private as well and not make them public??

I really don't have any problems but if Maximum fighting wants to discuss something with u why does it have to be there for everyone to see??

Just a question nothing more

I did give out my address a couple times previously, which is what led me to reconsider and think it's better that everyone is just posting openly. Also, some people have my address from previous seminars, tournaments, or other things I've registered for and I can't unsend it.

However, we're also not in grade school, and we don't need to be passing notes. If you think you're being treated unfairly, or if you think I'm a doosh or whatever, just let me know. I've been moderating (sometimes professionally) for over 10 years. I can take it.

Specifically to Maximum Fighting, he's "accused" me of (imaginary) bias in the past (making up a story about me being friends with rival fighters and space aliens or something) so I prefer to have the board as a whole participate and help normalize the conversation.

I will go turn on my mail, however. I didn't realize it was off. (But forewarning, if anyone sends me any special kind of crazy, please understand that sending me the crazy releases all copyright you have on the crazy, and grants me perpetual rights to repost it on's public boards for the enjoyment and bewilderment of all).

And no worries on the question. It's never a problem.

rene, I would have spelled it douche. But to each his own.


Fair warning, persistent SPAM will now be deleted.

Thanks and enjoy!

Excellent work Rene.

Note to Kirik - rene.r is doing a fantastic job.

Thank you rene

Excellent job Rene!

piss off you whiny bitch.

Crying to a mod again because of a romo my g/f did of you? Get over yourself faggot.

Mark, you are a pathetic little man. I don't like you at all.

If you have a problem with that me.I'd love to shove your shit in.

I just sent you my number Mark call me or give me a number to call you.


bullshit check your e-mail

you edited your post that said "no number"

You are a little bullshitter but I already new that.

Thats why I called your lil bluff. You are one of those guy's who try to live off of other gifts and you disgust me.I have represented my country at the worlds and you are just another wanna be who can't be.

Piss off asshole , you still haven't called.

LOL.. you are such a bullshitter. Piss off wimp.