Garage NHB whole Fight

decent fight between to pissed off friends

That shit don't work.

Yes it does, remove the space between the / and curt_howard.


That's pretty much what my garage looks like except I have some fitness equipment in there so there's not as much room to spar.  But it's awesome having a dojo in your house. 

Good way to settle the score in a relatively safe manner - great "handlers" too keeping things going! They should have been yelling "ACTION!" like the guys in Pride, though! ;)

The guy in white shoulda won by KO in the first round...

I kept thinking -- why doesn't the guy in blue for the full mount and GnP the dude in white.  He kept striking from an unbalanced side control.


do they have any training at all? That looked as bad as the kung fu fight vid.

The guy in white seemed to either give the other dude too much respect, or he just didn't want to hurt him when he was gassed - too bad, that cost him the fight.

so far i think white shoulda got up insteasd of going to guard in rd 1. and he shoulda taken the guy out when he got tired..... maybe hes too nice

I think you're right one point the other guy was GASSED, white was up, and he could have easily delivered a fight-ending knee strike!

rd 2 looks like they have rules against knees or somethin... decent guillotine, good job not pillin guard with it... blues cardio looks even worse than mine. white shoulda kept him on the ground and pounded while he had the chance

Those guys knew what they were doing, you here terms like guard and positioning terms like get your right foot over, etc. They just were hard pressed to execute when they were so tired. At one point i hear one of the guys say "Work yor jiu Jitsu"

Seemed like both guys can fight but gave too much respect to each other and the cardio was very poor. Both guys need lots of work but make no mistake, they both knew how to fight reasonably well.

rd 3 leg kicks look like a good idea. on bottom of mount he cant bridge fatty off--do a heel scoop mount escape!

rd 3 leg kicks look like a good idea. on bottom of mount he cant bridge fatty off--do a heel scoop mount escape! or elbow knee escape...

LoL at "He's got no base, Jesse you should be able to sweep 'em"

Meanwhile, Jesse is completely exhausted and shows zero signs of being able to sweep the kitchen with a broom let alone his larger opponent.

ok I need to know, these guys must post here so who are you jesse and Jeffrey??? Great fight and great idea.

rd 4 white should really kick and knee and combo this fatty. hes a punching bag on his feet now. under a side mount he should escape instead of going to guard. i know hestired, but up against the wall - faty has his ankle- get up! i couldnt tell if he tapped to that choke but it was whites fight to win, he needed a killer instinct

They certainly didn't fight like there was bad blood between them!

"Meanwhile, Jesse is completely exhausted and shows zero signs of being able to sweep the kitchen with a broom let alone his larger opponent."

I just spit water on my monitor over this one - thanks a lot man!