Garage NHB whole Fight

not impressed... no ground skills at all.

No shit they have no ground skills. They each have about 1 week of training, and have seen 1 or 2 ufc's. These guys by no means are fighters, they just had a score to settle and we figured it would be better than a street fight.

"I just spit water on my monitor over this one - thanks a lot man!"

It was funny man, the guys friends are urging him to do thigs that he is simply too exhausted to do. I was sitting here saying to myself, no way in hell he sweeps this motherfucker.


he coulda/shoulda just got up many times

max power, you posted "decent guillotine, good job not pillin guard with it." just curious why it's not good to pull guard with the guillotine in nhb. i've never trained nhb formally but have trained bjj for a few years and am personally much better at finishing a guillotine if i pull guard and extend the other guy with my legs as i'm choking him. my guess from an nhb perspective would have to do with giving the other guy your ribs as targets but just thought i'd ask for clarification.

"not impressed... no ground skills at all"

I thought their ground skills were quite a bit better than their standup... lol

"It was a good clean fight. We were impressed considering the level of training these guys have."

I agree with that statement.

I could only watch about thrity seconds of that. Horrible.

The guy in the white didn't show any killer instinct. The other guy was more gassed and he would just stand there and look at him.

ttt for when i get home


well if he escapes a guillotine in your guiard, u r stuck on your back where he can hit u more. i prefer the standing guillotine, if its not workin u can sprawl out - bring him to all 4's and knee his head off

great fight clip collection:


That was flat out painful to watch.
the cardio was so bad I was tired watching it.. I began scanning after about 2 rounds.
The technique was white belt, the striking was John Hess in nature, but their heart was incredible... neither wanted to quit.

But I tapped about 5 minutes in because it was hard to sit through. :)

"not impressed... no ground skills at all"

I thought their ground skills were quite a bit better than their standup... lol

Agreed :)

Still, thanks for an entertaining clip. Cheers.

fucking everybody is a judge, lol. These guys fought hard and long. I'm sure Jeff and/or whatever the fuck the other guy's name was would beat the shit outta 90 percent of this forum.

"fucking everybody is a judge, lol. These guys fought hard and long. I'm sure Jeff and/or whatever the fuck the other guy's name was would beat the shit outta 90 percent of this forum."

I sincerely doubt it. Anyone would minimal training would school these guys.

Props to them for settling their differences under some controlled conditions where nobody will get seriously hurt. Far better to handle things that way than to get drunk and pissed off later and fight in a bar where you'll both get arrested or someone will get hit with a bottle or some other stupid shit.

Universal is incorrect

I cant beleive you guys. They both looked pathetic.