Garage NHB whole Fight

For Ferox!


I'll be right back. That clip made we want to hit cardio like a mad man.

A car without gas is just 2000 pounds of useless shit in your driveway.

Good to watch, the take-downs and take-down defence wasn't the best. Think both could have won the fight, white dude standing should have won, an if the other dude knew how to ground and pound it would have been over alot quicker too.

I'll bet those two dudes will sit down and watch the next Pride or UFC with a whole new level of respect for the conditioning and skill of the fighters they are watching. They couldn't even make it 3 minutes into their fight without both of them standing there totally unable to throw a punch, so I'm sure they'll watch round 1 of a Pride fight now and be simply amazed that a guy like Ninja can go non stop for 10 minutes and still look strong.

not bad...but damm fellas, work on your cardio :)

I could only get through about a 90 seconds of that crap before I said fuck it, I just zipped to the last 30 seconds

Dogo is correct

i m certain i would gas too.i just think white shoulda finished blue while white was still fresh and blue was dead tired in rd 1

They both suck skill-wize and cardio-wize,, but they have heart.

That makes me feel a LOT better about my garage/basement training. Absolutely painful.

I will keep you posted, garage nhb will be bringing you a fight next weekend, I am working on getting better fighters looser rules, (some fighters are interested in bare knuckle). when fighters are not getting paid and agree to spare full contact they can do what ever they want, thats what gives garage nhb its serious potential and it will always be free to view or download..

been there done that...had my face smashed in at a friends basement when I turned 18, made for a good video though.

Finally got my account...

These guys really fought their hearts out. I figured it would last maybe a minute.... I'd also like to point out that at the times when the "Blue" fighter had his hands down, "White" was just as tired, and couldn't capitolize. He just looked like he wasn't tired.