Garbrandt gets KO'd..... Video Free of charge

Hogzilla - Some interesting facts that come to light from this video.

First of all, Cody is listed as being undefeated but his record shown going into that fight wad 5-1 (I'm assuming that's his amateur record. So we now know he's lost at least 2 MMA fights.

Secondly, the guy who KO'd him in this contest, Jerrell Hodge, only has a pro record of 2-1 and is seemingly retired; although his amateur record going into this fight against Cody was 3-0 plus this makes it 4-0. I'm a little curios why a guy with a combined record of 6-1 between amateur and pro fighting just quit the game like that. He's still only 28 years old.
As a pro he is undefeated. Same when guys lose on TUF but are still "undefeated".

JackG79 -
Bojack Horseman -
Dougie - 

cracking up over here.

whats this about?

That's about that time that Bang got accused of making racial jokes during training class with TAM.  They said he would make "Black" or "Asian" jokes right infront of people of those ethnicities, and then act like.. "oh come on.. it's just a joke. You can take a joke right" 

It takes a racist to think that jokes about minorities are racist. Bang like most other non racist white people dont see jokes as racist. Maybe its because jokes against his white race are not considered racist. Most white people use logic so if jokes against whites are not racist then jokes against blacks are fine too.


Why isn't he in the UFC? He has a real solid record, only defeated twice in over 10 fights.

Thundercats Hooooo!!

LawlerPushedInMyBrownEye -
NorthSouthDinner4Two -
bearockbrobama - 17ers gonna 17

Clealy have a Peanut Allergy.... Stay Tuned, Almond Butter coming soon for ALL the Fags who could actually lose their life to a NUT.

I got you Bro, but only cuz you been around here for a long time.. Please use promotion code "UGsince2010" when ordering.



A peanut is not a nut, dumb fuck. It's a legume 

That's nuts...because they're called pea-nuts.

NorthSouthDinner4Two -

NO charge or charity involved in the viewing of this toe curling KO.


That being said, if you truly enjoyed this video please buy my Peanut Butter...




I feel like you still owe me .. a lot.

Even though you've done this great youtube favor.. there's still a long way to go for you.

Keep trying to impress me and you just might.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. 

So this is an old video, while he's an amateur and before training at tam. His Ko is of a world champion, amazing professional fighter in TJ. What's the comparison?

I do think it's bullshit to refer or bring up stuff from training. If you never get tested or dropped, you're not pushing yourself and improving.

Irish Pride - So this is an old video, while he's an amateur and before training at tam. His Ko is of a world champion, amazing professional fighter in TJ. What's the comparison?

I do think it's bullshit to refer or bring up stuff from training. If you never get tested or dropped, you're not pushing yourself and improving.