Gi/NoGi Im torn

So, like, if he was a 13x UFC champ and won the Pan too then he could get his second stripe?

There is a video showing Matt Hume giving him advice immediately prior to a match about being careful of a collar choke setup. Maybe he is a little ignorant of certain gi grips.

This is all so debatable. Where do you draw the line? Bones Jones is a purple belt, his coach said hes not getting a brown until he puts on a Gi. Chimaev JUST got his purple (altho he seems to embrace Gi, but still) There are pics of Khabib and Bo wearing white belts…this is why belts are dumb to me. Bo told a story how he went into a bjj gym and smashed everyone. So do you automatically give all these dudes black belts or what? and masters (outside of black) should be mostly for hobbyists.

no you dont

getting a high rank in BJJ doesnt necessarily mean you are beating all or most other grapplers. Its not about winning. Its about a technical grasp on a curriculum. Skill just comes with that pursuit. You dont walk into a BJJ gym a stud wrestler or judoka and get a black belt because you are simply winning


I agree, but someone was complaining because MM was a brown belt with his UFC wins or whatever.

"An 11x UFC champion, works class grappler, Masters world champ and a one stripe brown belt?

Maybe we should start a thread about retarded, power hungry instructors who hold people back for no apparent reason."

Ridiculous take IMO

Why? Seriously explain why this is a ridiculous take. Has he not been dedicated enough? Trained hard enough? Maximized his ability enough? Been coachable enough? Demonstrated understanding of grappling at a high enough level?

What possible logic is there to keep the guy at brown belt at this point?

BJJ people can be such retards. They will look at a dork in a rainbow spandex outfit, who would cry if he was slapped, baseball slides into his opponents crotch and then inverts upside down for 10 minutes trying to grab his opponents feet as “really technical” but simultaneously say a guy who has won the UFC title 12x with excellent takedowns, positional grappling and submissions has to work on his understanding of technique.

This might be exactly what’s wrong with BJJ right now.

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I sort of addressed this up top. There are plenty of high-level wrestlers/grapplers that are not black belts. Do you automatically give them a BlackBelt? Bo Nickal told a story how he smashed an entire gym, including the bb instructor. Is Bo a day 1 black belt?

Jon Jones is a purple belt, hes tapped black belts…but his coach said he isn’t getting a brown until he puts the gi back on.

Khabib has a pic wearing a white belt, what do you do with him?

Michael Pixley is “only” a purple and trains every single day. Yet just double gold at BJJ con.

Where do you draw the line?

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Might Mouse is a brown belt. It’s not like he just walked in off the street without ever training BJJ.

Agree or disagree with the IBJJF they now have minimum time requirements at each rank. They also added in a caveat that if you win a world championship you can get bumped to the next rank before the minimum requirement. Assuming a guy like MM meets these minimums and trains consistent I see no reason to hold him back.

And? Jon Jones is a purple belt, been training bjj for a decade

So what if he put the gi on for the first time in years six months ago?