Gi/NoGi Im torn

That’s the game. Different rules, different tools. If you want MMA go play MMA. BJJ in the gi has gi chokes.

It doesn’t take long to learn how to play it. You’ll adapt quickly.


Train both.

Don’t worry about belts.

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BJJ schools get self defense wrong all too often. Starting from the knees, slapping hands, flopping to your back, joking around. Staying on your feet or maintaining top position should be the #1 priority in jiu jitsu. The second should be escapes to get to your feet or get mount should you be the one that got taken down. From what I hear, that’s how the Carlson schools used to roll.

Now, you’re lucky if an instructor shows a self defense trick once a year.

Sport Jiu Jitsu is awesomely fun, but schools should not put “self defense” in their advertising if they’re just teaching how to roll from the knees for a sweep, pass, or submission.

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Thank you for this perspective. I appreciate it!!!

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Holy shit.

I have been waiting for like 15 years to hear a black belt admit this. The first time I armbarred someone while wrestling around drunk, they bit me. Ever since then, being on my back with my leg across someone’s face has seemed a ridiculous technique.

A razorlock or armbar from top with your knee across their neck, kind of like a cop move, is about the most I want to do with a straight arm.

If I ever got bit with a locked in arm bar ( even if arms clasped to defend) then I would break that motherfuckers arm and probably give them a few hard hammer fists to the face prior.

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I’ve noticed a significant increase in full grown adult men wanting to get into no gi grappling without any desire to fight or compete since Craigslist dropped the M4M ads. Lots of guys wanting to get together with other sweaty men and roll around in spandex 2-5x a week. Coincidence? Probably not.

Whenever I get the 35yr old husky fat guy that wants to “only do no gi” without any wrestling background or desire to compete I immediately assume he’s a closeted gay and gets off on the guy on guy contact. The rainbow and ironic shorts/rashguard combos just reinforce this idea.

I’m on my 30th year of BJJ. To this day I only equate no gi grappling with fighting. Preferably fighting for money or honor. It’s not fun and was never intended to be something you did long term. That’s what BJJ in the gi was for. No gi was to fight. Period.

BJJ guys love to make fun of how unrealistic traditional martial arts can be. NOTHING is more unrealistic than two guys in spandex baseball sliding into each others crotch and spending 10minutes upside down trying to grab each others feet. Nothing.

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Imagine being a stud wrestler and getting tapped or held down by some b*tch looking hipster bjj liberal because of not knowing how to address someone holding the fabric of your clothing.

Take the time to learn gi. It doesn’t take long, if you have half a brain. It’s foolish not to know how to grapple someone, whether they’re grabbing your cuff sleeves or not. What ends up happening is you just end up training more overall. Ppl who only do one way or the other remind me of the guys who only play acoustic guitar and wouldn’t dare touch an electric guitar with a little bit of distortion. Or vice versa. It just makes you a one dimensional player and ultimately a guy with limitations.


Yeah, not grappling someone because of different clothing is the lamest; he’s wearing a gi, but I am dressed for no gi… rolling is just not possible!

Plenty of people have gotten their BB’s in 7 years or even less. I think 10-12 is average for a hobbyist.

I dont agree that gi is better for technical development. If you’re dedicated to improving you will improve, but the gi grips are a crutch imo, and gi/no gi have split substantially from each other in recent years. Both will give you different things. If you’re a gi guy you’ll have bad leglocks and be missing a lot of interesti g no gi grips, but if you’re exclusively a no gi guy there’s a whole world you’re missing.

I’m pretty much a dedicated no gi practitioner, but no hate for the gi. I just do what I enjoy.

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I have always enjoyed both. As a wrestler obviously I have advantages in no gi but it’s fun to slow everything down and be more technical in the gi. It’s like asking do you like pie or ice cream? Why can’t I love both?

I cannot believe this conversation is still happening in 2023 lol


I think it’s more appropriate now than it used to be itven how much they’ve diverged

This has been proven categorically false. FAKE NEWS. Gi’s act as an insulator for the body heat you generate that would otherwise add to the environment. Think of them as big coolie cups.

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I prefer open gu-ard. The closed gu-ard is too restrictive. It limits mobility and you eventually have to open your gu-ard to attack unless you’ve snatched the guillotine first.

That’s it. I’m ready to launch 23rd Galaxy Jiu Jitsu. We only do open gu-ard, without shirts on, you gotta wear shoes and hats because people wear shoes and hats in real life.

$450/month. Online. No commitments (from me.)

Nah. Closed Guard, control posture, submit Fedor.

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Modern jujitsu on both the gi and no gi side have both lost the plot when it comes to self defense.

Im going back to wing chun.

Thank you. Very relative to the conversation.

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An 11x UFC champion, world class grappler, Masters world champ and a one stripe brown belt?

Maybe we should start a thread about retarded, power hungry instructors who hold people back for no apparent reason.