Yeah it looks just about the same to me
Giblert with an attmept
Also the quality on the screen printing is shit. The logos have been peeling off during the fights
They look to have more padding.
Why is it so hard to have good gloves for the fighters protection? It’s not 1998
How is that an improvement? Pardon my ignorance
It’s not. Need to hookup with Onyx or Hayabusa and get something figured out.
Literally why wouldn’t they just switch to this style? Has a reason been given or is it just one of those things that make all the sense in the world but still never happen for reasons never explained?
I think it’s like a stubborn hard headed ego thing left over from the Pride vs UFC days. Can’t admit Pride actually had the gloves right & switch to them.
Curved gloves make it harder to read advertising/logos. We all know the UFC is going the way of F1 and is looking for every available space to promote brands. ‘Prime Hydration Station Corner Fitness Zone’ anyone?
I bet we’ll see Wrestlemania logos on the gloves within 5 years.
They should’ve just paid Trevor Whitman. Or at the very least take his fucking glove and trial it in local fight nights. If it performed, trial them in the contender series. Trial them for a full year outside the ufc who gives a fuck but if it works and it stops eyepokes then just change them over. Do we have to wait until some guys eye is on the canvas like any given Sunday
LOVE Any Given Sunday!
I feel like I didn’t see eye pokes much at all in pride. Am I misremembering? Because thinking about it now, I can’t remember many fights that had them. But that was 20 years ago. Anyway, if eye pokes were that big of a deal to them, they would’ve fixed this already. Idk what’s wrong with those in charge
I think people do it on purpose now. You’re guaranteed at least one warning with 0 repercussions.