Wtf… By the second round they were peeling all over the place! First time I’ve seen this happen with the new 30th anniversary logo.
was this a bad pair of gloves or what? I have a pair of them and they are good quality , same as the regular UFC logo, it’s pretty durable.
Alonzo lost the “3” from “30” and Crute lost the entire thing
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It fades and a PRIME logo appears as the fight progresses
Fuck don’t give them ideas! They’ll be wearing prime gloves or sponsored gloves in the future for sure
Quality seems standard for UFC. First time I’ve seen a logo peel off a UFC glove
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they need to start embedding the brand logo into the gloves instead of just plastering the logo on the gloves like a tshirt, you’d think the UFC the #1 fighting promotion would figure this out by now, but you would be wrong 

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I got a collection of every glove worn in the UFC. These 30th anniversary are by far the cheapest. They used some type of cheap adhesive and thick numbers.
I have regular UFC gloves I’ve used since 2007 and the logo never peels, if anything it can wear and get scratched, but these new ones suck. I’ve noticed the majority of the matches when it peels off is Middleweight and above. I wonder if they make XXL or XL on the fly for the athletes. Because online you can only order Small, Medium, or Large. But for the UFC athletes they will have about 9 sizes on fight day, including women’s sizes and up to like 4 XL
I wish a PRIDE logo appeared instead and we were in a fuckin ring in Japan.
Great observation, your steam must’ve been in HD.
The owners are probably jewish penny pinchers & trying to reduce operating costs everywhere they can.
They switched from China to Pakistan manufacturing. Quality SHOULDVE INCREASED. But it absolutely did not,
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I bought the 30th gloves and collect fight gloves. The first event they used these I saw the logo peel off. Ever since then it’s happened every event in at least 1 fight. I can’t ignore it now . lol