Glen Danzig

I saw this a while ago I just thought I'd post it for people that didn't see it. Glen Danzig gets knocked the fuck out.

fuckin' hilarious... geez, I used to love the Misfits when I was 14!

Anyone that drops their hands like that is asking to get KTFO. So what other circumstances do you mean? Like as in, if Danzig knew shit about fighting it would not have gone down that way?

Oh sorry I didn't know how to spell a washed up losers name. Danzig has been know for being an asshole I'm glad he got fucked up.

I love the misfits. The best Punk band ever IMO. Danzig is supposedly a douchebag, but I haven't personally met him to verify.

I have, my buddy is Jon Davis's(Korn) cousin and we get backstage to most of the concerts we go to, we met him and he kinda brushed us off. Then he started punking some small guy and stormed off to the black abyss he came from.

Here we go again with the UG keyboard warrior expert commentary on a 10 sec moment. Majority of you bitches would have blubbered an meek apology and scampered away. Danzig has been around the world. His shows are as rough as they come. Doubtful it is the first time he has been hit. He was wearing MMA gloves in 1985. Especially since he is a small guy.

Cro-cop is a world class kickboxer and he got dropped with one punch and he trained for months and was ready. Guess he shoulda had his hands up. Danzig just off the stage and probably had no idea what this idiot was on about. And if you read about the incident, the fatass said he planned to provoke Danzig because he is known to react like that to people in his face. On Wikepedia(?), whatever that web encyclopedia is called, if you read about the Misfits, it says Danzig was always in fights with skins who came to their shows and when he wrote 'London Dungeons' it said he fought fiercely with the police in the interrogation room until they beat him unconcious. And he was arrested for fighting three skinheads. And he is like 5'3.

so for all the little numb nuts who say'I woulda had my hands up'. No you wouldn't have. You wouldn't have been there, you would not have said shit, and you definetly would not have had your hands up because all they do is type.

Bottom line:Danzig is a MUSICIAN. And he is 50. And he is quite small.

So he was a scrapper big deal, just because you don't punk out doesn't make you a good fighter. That just means you get your ass kicked often.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA yeah, because Danzig and CroCop are somehow in the same class of fighter. And yes, if I was confronted by an angry 300 pound guy my hands WOULD be up. How could that moron not expect what happened, Danzig is such an experienced fighter right? He pushed the guy right? Maybe he shouldn't have acted like such a jackass and then he wouldn't have gotten beat down.

The big guy was being cool about it. The story is that Danzig screwed their band by going on before them and fucking the whole place up (destroying the lights and equipment etc.) after they drove 6 hours to play there. I'd be fuckin pissed too.


'yeah, because Danzig and CroCop are somehow in the same class of fighter.'

The POINT, genius, is that Cro-Cop is a PRO fighter and Danzig is not. Yet Cro-Cop got KTFO with one shot and he was in a ring and ready. Danzig's shit all happened in the space of a couple seconds. Yeah, he pushed the guy first, but guys do that if they have any balls. Go find one and ask him. Sometimes it doesn't go well. So what.

'The big guy was being cool about it. The story is that Danzig screwed their band by going on before them and fucking the whole place up (destroying the lights and equipment etc.) after they drove 6 hours to play there. I'd be fuckin pissed too.'

That's not the truth. Like i said, if you read up on it, the fat guy ended up admitting it was the club owners who cancelled their show and Danzig wasn't even aware of it, and that he had planned on provoking Danzig just cause he was pissed and wanted to make a name for his band.

The fat guys band was supposed to open for Danzig, but for whatever reason Danzig didn't want to play that late, so he offered to open for the fat guys band. When Danzig finished his set, he had his crew tear everything down before the other band knew what was going on. I've seen this video many times, my favorite part is the girl who screams "kick his ass, danzig!" while he is laying in a fetal position on the floor, as well as yelling "Cheap shot!" I'm not a danzig fan, and I enjoy seeing him get throttled everytime I watch this clip.

When they re-released "Mother" in 1994, I was at the show in L.A. when they filmed the concert video. A friend of mine's dad won us tickets and passes to meet the band on some radio station.

The "Meet the Band" promotion basically consisted of "Yeah, you guys have 10 minutes to talk to these guys and then you gotta' get the fuck outta' here".

Glenn is definately a "different" guy. He examined our passes for about 30 seconds, asking where we had gotten them, why we were there, and shit like that. Then, he went on babbling about his and our existence for a couple of minutes. I have no idea what he was talking about, lol. He did sign my Lucifuge CD though, which was cool.....

Joey Castillo was pretty cool. We spent the rest of the time talking to him. I don't know where Eerie and John were. I didn't even see them. Hell, looking back, they may have already been fired and replaced at that point. I can't remember.....

Cool experience, but yeah..... Glenn's a fuckin' whack job.....

'The POINT, genius, is that Cro-Cop is a PRO fighter and Danzig is not. Yet Cro-Cop got KTFO with one shot and he was in a ring and ready. Danzig's shit all happened in the space of a couple seconds. Yeah, he pushed the guy first, but guys do that if they have any balls. Go find one and ask him. Sometimes it doesn't go well. So what.'

CroCop got hit by ANOTHER pro fighter when he dropped his hands to defend a takedown. A takedown attemp by a two time NCAA division I champ. Danzig got knocked out while striking a body building pose because he has no idea how to fight. Big difference there chum. And no, if he had balls he would have talked to the big guy like a man, or hit him. Shoving people is for grade school show offs and people who don't know how to fight.

I always wanted to see Glenn Danzig fight Henry Rollins......

Interesting matchup.

I'd take Henry due to power and reach advantage.....

One of my best friends just got back from serving in Afghanistan for 18 months. Henry Rollins came on the USO tour.

My friend said he was one of the coolest motherfuckers he had ever met. Very laid back and easy going, and funny as fuck. He said he just sat back and bullshitted with 8 or 9 of the guys for a few hours.

He took a picture with him and got it autographed. He also got some video footage with him.

Pretty cool.....

if you watch, Danzig's hand comes up to block the punch, but the guy is too big and Danzig is small and 50 so the punch breaks through. Anyone who ever fights, knows just because you do the right move doesn't mean it works. Not only that, but I remember Tito falling on his ass in London and getting kicked in the face. Does that mean he 'knows nothing about fighting'? No, it means fighting is chaotic and shit doesn't always go your way. But it's easy for lame KW to critique an incident and say 'I'm better than him! In my mind, I'd have whooped that fatty!'

I wouldn't have picked a fight for no reason in the first damn place. And Tito was again, fighting a pro fighter. Stop comparing Danzig's stupidity to anything that happens involving an actual fighter. This is a simple case of arrogant rock star acted like a dumbass and paid for it. Any similarity between Danzig and an actual fighter is purely in your own mind.

'Stop comparing Danzig's stupidity to anything that happens involving an actual fighter. This is a simple case of arrogant rock star acted like a dumbass and paid for it. Any similarity between Danzig and an actual fighter is purely in your own mind.'

Funny, cause the main theme of your posts are that he knows nothing about fighting, yet I bring up comparisons with those who do know about fighting and you say they are unrelated. A fight is a fight, and even the best do dumb, amatuerish shit in the heat of the moment. Go get into a fight and tape it and present the results for us to determine how much you know about fighting.

'I wouldn't have picked a fight for no reason in the first damn place.'

Second, someone in youer face, regardless of why, is grounds to start a fight. If someone got aggressive that close to me, I'd do the same shit. Especially if i didn't know what he was on about and he was dissing me in front of my friends. Right or wrong, a man will not take shit.