Glen Danzig

Last Year wants its thread back...

All the haters are just taking advantage of this opportunity to rag on Glenn. Nevermind that Glenn was literally 50 years old at the time of this fight or the fact that the fat guy had 100lbs on Glenn, about a foot of reach, and in in his early 30's.

    LOL at all the UG idiots who say " Ha Ha he got KOed by a fat guy !" I'm sorry, but since when are fat guys not able to fight ??? I know several fat dudes that CAN throw down and hit hard as f#ck.

BTW it was a TOTAL setup. Glenn may have reacted wrong, but it happened really fast and was caught off guard. The guy was totally in his face, totally invading his personal space and talking sh!t to him. He was provoking him without question.The "fat guy" was filming a documentary for North Side Kings, his hardcore band. It's not Glenn's faul AT ALL that the crew started to take down the equipment after Glenn's set. So what if they drove 6 hours ? That happens to smaller bands ALL THE TIME, just part of the game. Time ran out, sh!t happens.

     NSK is a really shitty hardcore band w/ no fanbase. He's lucky he was invited at all. Love him or hate him Glenn is an icon of the punk, metal scene and has beeen around a loooooong time. He's accomplished alot. Meanwhile "fat guy's" 15 minutes are up.

"if you watch, Danzig's hand comes up to block the punch, but the guy is too big and Danzig is small and 50 so the punch breaks through. Anyone who ever fights, knows just because you do the right move doesn't mean it works. Not only that, but I remember Tito falling on his ass in London and getting kicked in the face. Does that mean he 'knows nothing about fighting'? No, it means fighting is chaotic and shit doesn't always go your way. But it's easy for lame KW to critique an incident and say 'I'm better than him! In my mind, I'd have whooped that fatty!'"--------------------------------Well said.

If someone was in my face and I decided to fight him I sure as hell wouldn't shove them and then stand there like an idiot. You brought up pro fighters, well when was the last time you saw a pro do something that stupid? None of them were standing there, hands at their hips, chin out growling at some huge guy like that fool was.

You fan boys are hilarious.

BigWilliam-"......I wouldn't have picked a fight for no reason in the first damn place. And Tito was again, fighting a pro fighter. Stop comparing Danzig's stupidity to anything that happens involving an actual fighter. This is a simple case of arrogant rock star acted like a dumbass and paid for it. Any similarity between Danzig and an actual fighter is purely in your own mind"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BW your hate is so strong that it's clouding your judgement and ability to read correctly. Let me help you. First of all Danzig wasn't trying to pick a fight at all. He was signing autographs after his show and the big fat dude came out of no where w/ friends and a video camera. He walked right up to Glenn, got in his face (completely invading his personal space), and pointing his finger in his face(and over his shoulder) and just started talking sh!t to him in front of his fans. Glenn was totally caught off guard and he lost it. He reacted wrong, but he wasn't out looking for trouble, the fat guy WAS. He was there in Glenn's face, w/ camera, to simply provoke Glenn and nothing else.

Another funny thing is that for some odd reason you think people are trying to compare Glenn to a pro fighter. Once again you miss the point. The point is not that Glenn is on the level of a pro fighter, but that just becuse you get your ass kicked doesn't mean your a pussy or cannot fight at all. It just means you got caught and lost. The point is that Cro Cop and Igor Vovchanchin have both been KOed. Does that mean they're both pussies ?? Now on a more normal street level Glenn lost, but that doesn't mean that he's a pussy or he's never been in fights and done well.

Another thing is that Glenn was 50 years old at the time and easily outweighed by about 100lbs. He reacted wrong, but he wasn't looking for trouble, Danny from NSK was.

Who the hell compared Glenn to a pro fighter ? Your reading comprehension is far below average.

My reading comprehension is quite average thank you very much!

Fury brought up using pros as examples which is like saying since Indy drivers get in accidents it's ok for my to hit a street light in my car.

I was taking opposition to one basic thing. That Danzig is some kind of hardass who can fight, and that the NSK guy won by luck. That big dude won because he's a big dude and Danzig is not a fighter.

And for the record I like Danzig's music. Lucifuge and How the Gods Kill are great albums. But I call it like I see it.

More importantly, my friend was in a band called Sam Hain with Danzig. His band DOOMTREE released an album this year. Check it out

Glenn may be an asshole, but Danny from NSK is a BIGGER ASSHOLE. Funny how evryone is letting him off the hook because he won the fight. He puposely sought out Glenn (w/ a camera rolling), got in his face and started talking sh!t to him in front of his fans. It's pretty safe to sayhe's a big an ass as Glenn , if not more, but nobody wants to acknowledge this.

Honestly I don't know a thing about the guy. I had never heard of him or NSK until the video surfaced. He probably is a jerk, and I never knowingly implied otherwise.

Isn't Glenn Danzig that midget who sang with Kid Rock? I thought he was dead.

'Fury brought up using pros as examples which is like saying since Indy drivers get in accidents it's ok for my to hit a street light in my car.'


'Glenn danzig would have no part of Henry. Glenn knows what would happen to him if he got Henry angry.'

Not what Henry said in an interview awhile back. Henry said he wanted no part of Danzig. Plus, Danzig has had way more impact with his music than Henry ever did. You have any idea how many people do Misfits covers to this day? Look it up. Metallica totally jacked his ideas.

For a minute I thought you meant "Glen Danzig" the forum poster...


and I htought, Glen can't fight...He doesn't even train!!!


LOL, sure Danny didn't start anything nor did he instigate. He was just a hapless victim that happened to stumble onto Danzig as he was randomly pushing people. He never got ALL UP IN GLENN"S FACE talking sh!t to him w/ a video camera rolling, that never happened. I mean he BBQ's so he must be cool and non-confrontational.

LOL at this thread. The video is funny but the discussion is even more hilarious.
I like the Henry Rollins would punk Danzig posts the best.

Actually I met Danzig backstage before a show and he was very cool
with me. He even sang the chorus line from "london dungeon" for me!

I went to a show in 94 and hung out on the bus afterwards. I was like 15 and he was cool as hell. Keep in mind I didn't get on in some organized way either-I was frying my balls off on LSD and jumped up in front of the bus a zillion times. And then he invites me and my girlfriend on to hang out with the band and a few groupies for like 10 minutes and answered every stupid facacta question my neurotic acne ridden 15-year-old ass could think of. Yeah. What a douchebag!

I saw rollins live. While he wasn't a HUGE guy, but he certainly looked bigger than 5ft 8inches, 180lbs. Looked closer to 5ft 11 and around 200lbs solid. Had a big neck.

Good lord..... I was just being lighthearted when I said I wanted to see Glenn vs Henry, lol.

And I have to agree with SKARHEAD..... I've seen Henry in concert fairly close up, and even looking at the pictures and video that my friend brought back, I'd have to say that he's taller than 5'8. My friend is 6'1, and he only had a couple of inches on Rollins.

I think 5'11, 200 is a better assessment....