Glen Danzig

having actually fought danzig albeit in a club setting and before he
became a student of escrima, and having trained with henry before I
can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the winner there is


used to be in Youth of Today....and now Shelter....trains under JJ

and is probably one of the toughest vegan krishna fighters around.


Which book is that from? That's some of his old stuff, isn't it?

Seems familiar.....

I thought it was older than that, like mid 1990's. I thought I had read it before a long time ago....

Good read, though.... thanks.

'That might be true Skull, but in a televised clip, Danzig stated that he wouldnt want to get Henry upset and that Henry isnt someone you "mess around with".'

I think they respect each other cause that question comes up a lot and they give each other props.

'Actually he was wearing those pussy lifting gloves and mesh shirts in 1985 (and 86,87,88,89...2004,etc).'

No he didn't. I just watched a video of it and they are padded knuckle fingerless gloves. He even talks in one part about filling the knuckles with lead shot.

'He's like 5'5", 150lbs--legs are very skinny, he's all upper body (and this was when I saw him during the lucifuge tour right after "Mother" became radio friendly) and that was in his "prime". He's a terrible live musician. Can he fight? Probably not...'

Quit the hate, your agenda is obvious and feeble. Who fuckin cares how built he is? he toured with a rough ass crowd and will fight in a second. You just type and proclaim to be an expert on who can fight and who can't because you saw some 10 sec moment from his day. Boy, you are a genius. And get it straight. Mother didn't come on the radio until 94. Lucifuge was 1990. And don't say 'but Mother came out in 88, cause it never hit the radio, and certainly wasn't big when Lucifuge came out. And for such a terrible musician, he has a multitude of other musicians of all styles who jock his shit.

Thanks alot!!

I've heard about this clip for so long and never saw it. That was hilarious, Glenn Danzig is such a douchebag.

I find the fanboys particularly hilarious. If I shoved someone twice my size I'd expect that to happen.


'If I shoved someone twice my size I'd expect that to happen.'

Thats right. You wouldn't have. you'd have hung your head and gave fatty the apology and respect he demanded. Some people aren't like that. Regardless of what happens.

Come on, the guys were arguing and Danzig decided to respond by saying 'F-You' and shoving the guy. Danzig could have just apologized but decided to slip into his Mr. Tough Guy persona.

The fight was more than fair and should put to rest any talk about Danzig being a badass. That fight went down the same way all the high school fights I remember. Some self-proclaimed tough guy finally biting off more than he can chew and going down with one puch.

Plus, his music sucks too.

"Thats right. You wouldn't have. you'd have hung your head and gave fatty the apology and respect he demanded. Some people aren't like that. Regardless of what happens."

Right, so everytime two people get into an argument, the options are either to drop your head and apologize, or scream "fuck you motherfucker!!" and shove him as hard as you can and then try and strike some ridiculous body builder pose in an attempt to intimidate. Danzig was trying to act like a tough guy and he got he chump card pulled.

"That fight went down the same way all the high school fights I remember. Some self-proclaimed tough guy finally biting off more than he can chew and going down with one punch."


Hey Linkage

Maybe he thought you were cute..."

Back then? Impossible. Now, on the other hand, he'd have to pay my fee.

he still needs to keep his hands up

re: danzig and henry, on my legacy of brutality 12" henry "sings" backup on "we are 138" so they might be bros


"He's a joke, I saw him on headbanger's ball shortly after seeing him live and all he talked about were wolves (i am serious) and how much of a badass he is. Kind of reminds me of you in a less retarded way."


Yea, TheSkull, who are you? Really? Why are you defending every aspect of this sad little man?

Answer this question: If you were the big guy, what would you have done?

Read the thread. If you look it up, the 'big guy' ADMITTED he intentionally got in Danzig's face in front of people to provoke this response and was ready to throw a hail mary. Danzig was the one caught off guard. Yeah, he pushed, not saying he was right to do that, but 'big guy' personally stated he was looking for trouble with Danzig, not the club owners who ACTUALLY FUCKED HIM.

"Read the thread. If you look it up, the 'big guy' ADMITTED he intentionally got in Danzig's face in front of people to provoke this response and was ready to throw a hail mary. Danzig was the one caught off guard. Yeah, he pushed, not saying he was right to do that, but 'big guy' personally stated he was looking for trouble with Danzig, not the club owners who ACTUALLY FUCKED HIM. "

So fucking what? If some douchebag gets in my face with the intention of starting a fight, I am sure as hell not going to shove him and strike a stupid body building pose. What the hell did he expect to happen? If Glenn had nothing to do with it, he could have said that and WALKED AWAY. Lol@you acting like he was some sort of tough guy for shoving the guy instead of letting it be. He got what he deserved.

"Well, it would have been easier to jump on the tard wagon like you and ape what everyone else has said a billion times, but someone has to counterpoint. Yeah, he got punched and it was his fault for pushing the guy, doesn't take a genius to see that, but faggots like you would be jacking on to your computer screen and talking tough bullshit, not anywhere near a situation where someone might go for your neck for flappin those lispy blowjob lips. now go tell mom you need a cookie. THAT is all, lube boy. "

Wow. That's really clever. I don't even know what you're trying to say.

Fury2Feed-"Read the thread. If you look it up, the 'big guy' ADMITTED he intentionally got in Danzig's face in front of people to provoke this response and was ready to throw a hail mary. Danzig was the one caught off guard. Yeah, he pushed, not saying he was right to do that, but 'big guy' personally stated he was looking for trouble with Danzig, not the club owners who ACTUALLY FUCKED HIM. "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Fury don't even bother. The Danzig haters don't want to hear any of that. They just want to say that Danzig caused the whole problem, screwed the bands over, and started the fight. They don't give a damn whether Danny from NSK went out of his way to get in Glenn's face and talk sh!t to him.

         It was a setup, cameras rolling and all, but the haters would rather just blame the ENTIRE thing on Glenn and are just happy to see him lose, even if they had to wait for the guy to be 50yrs old. I wonder how many 50 years olds around these bords could do much better against that big fat dude ?

The haters claim that Skull is trying to defend Glenn on every aspect, but they are just eager to condemn Glenn on every aspect.

Also, all the haters make it seem like Glenn just ran over to Danny and shoved him. Danny was COMPLETELY IN GLENN'S FACE. I mean he completely invaded his personal space, was pointing at him, and his hand actually reached over and a little past Glenn's shoulder. He was WAAAAAY too close to him. Glenn could probably smell the BBQ on Danny's breath.

In retrospect shoving Danny was a bad idea, but I really think Glenn, at that moment, just wanted this fat f#cker to get the f#ck off of him. The guy was too close, too fat, was talking sh!t, probably smelled like cold cuts, and Glenn instinctivley pushed him away. Not a good idea, but it was spur of the moment and he is 50 years old.

SKARHEAD doesn't have to try to be correct...he just is.

'I remember that She Rides and Her Black Wings rocked, the rest of the stuff they played just seemed off and his voice was f'd up'--------

You sat there critiqueing because you were in the back like a bitch whining about every note while anyone with a sack was in the front fucking shit up in the pit. Yeah, you know that shit you saw going on way up in front that looked so scary? if you were really there and feeling the energy of the crowd, you wouldn't be so concerned with the tiniest details of his performance. I'll also guess you have never touched an instrument in your life, so of course you think you are an expert of musical ability as well as fighting skills. lol, Stay in the back with the pussywipes, bitch. You are right to be afraid. Faggots like you get recognized and trampled quick.-------

'4- He can't fight, he is a tiny egotistical bitch boy (just like you) that hasn't come out with a decent album since How the Gods Kill. He's a joke, I saw him on headbanger's ball shortly after seeing him live and all he talked about were wolves (i am serious) and how much of a badass he is. Kind of reminds me of you in a less retarded way.'-------

Nothing more pathetic than an assworm who wants to act tough on the internet. I love how you proudly proclaim 'I'd never shove a guy who was yelling in my face the way Danzig did!' but you wanna talk some sorry smack on a forum. Truth is, you are a sniveling, jealous twat who's only small triumph in life is pulling his head from his momma's ass long enough to make a feeble attempt to sound tough and clever on a moot topic. Funny, how you go to his concerts and buy his albums but think it makes you sound big and smart to say he's a joke and a bad musician. You see, this incident will be forgotten and his music will still be copied and covered, as it is more than ever to this day. You will ever remain a nameless and sorry troll who gave him money. But sat in the back where you wouldn't get hit. You are the joke.

Yeah, Glenn has added alot to music and he's been around a long time and made some really great music throughout the years. Some idiot ealier said all Glenn ever did was have one hit song so he sucks. LOL, whatever just because the brainless masses don't embrace every album of a particular artist doesn't mean the band sucks, it just means MTV didn't push them enough.

       We're talking about the same masses that have made bling bling rap, Backstreet boys, Avril Levigne, and Insane Clown Posse wildly popular. There are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many GREAT bands that are far below the radar of the mass media and have never had a "hit" on the radio. Most of them are still WAAAAAAY better than 99% of the mindless drivel that gets airplay these days. 

     Danzig was one of these and whether or not he sold out arenas like U2, they were still incedible (1st 5 albums anyway) and have added alot to music and bands for years.

'Danzig was one of these and whether or not he sold out arenas like U2, they were still incedible (1st 5 albums anyway) and have added alot to music and bands for years.'

If you go all the way back to when he was in the Misfits. Back then, people said they were shitty, blah blah. But now, if you do a check on how many bands have done a Misfits cover or named them as a major influence, you'd be amazed. Trust me, it's a lot. and guess what? Danzig wrote 99% of all that music that still sounds fresh and fun today and still inspires kids to do music. And only braindead dickholes judge quality by whether or not it 'is a radio hit'. That is the battle cry of the lowbrow.

But you know what's funny? He could have done a Misfits reunion, back when all the other old bands reformed for a buck. people BEGGED him. There would have been insane bank if he had. But he did not. he could have sold out and stopped all the weird devil shit, done anything to please the masses so he could 'make it big'. But he does what he wants to do regardless of money or fame. but to internerds who think any fight outside of a ring is 'frightening and suicidal' want to judge his whole character by a ten second moment that he has likely been through a million times on the road. Sometimes he probably won, sometimes he lost. That's life...for those who live, that is.