Glen Danzig

Hey, remember this:

'4- He can't fight, he is a tiny egotistical bitch boy (just like you) that hasn't come out with a decent album since How the Gods Kill. He's a joke, I saw him on headbanger's ball shortly after seeing him live and all he talked about were wolves (i am serious) and how much of a badass he is. Kind of reminds me of you in a less retarded way.'------

Hmm...sound familiar. YOU started the personal attacks. Now if you think it makes you sound tough to talk big on a forum, you are wrong. You sound like a child who is frustrated he can't think as fast as the adults. but the only thing worse than someone who is trying to defend the guy, is a lame hater is is obsessed with dissing his every move.-----

'Why does my opinion matter so much to you?

Just stick to the topic and leave the "you are a pussy, can't fight, etc." bullshit out of it--it is irrelevant and pure-speculation. Unless you want to come to my back yard and then I'll gladly fight you'-----

This was an forum discussion until YOU started with the personal shit. And sorry, as an mature adult who has made the mistake in the past of 'coming to fight some loudmouth in his backyard' and was greeted by cops, I can only smile at your invitation, but grow up. You don't have to get so defensive that you start calling people names and challenging them. Can create problems you may not anticipate-------

'I was probably the biggest and strongest guy there'

Don't forget to tell us about the mule Gen. Lee gave your granny at Gettysburg, tough guy.

Lol@Furytofeed editing his post after I pointed out how retarded it is.

You guys are a bunch of pathetic Glenn Danzig groupies. When did I EVER say the entire thing was his fault?

I don't know that background story and I don't give a shit. If Glenn wanted to fight and he lost, then fine, no big deal. But shoving a guy twice your size and then standing there with your hands by your side like some dumb looking comic book character is stupid. He got clowned and anyone of you would have probably done the same thing if some little wannabe tough guy shoved you like that.

This is such a stupid thing to argue about. Go home to your Misfits posters and LPs and stop acting like such dumb posers.

'Fury2Feed, are you also posting under TheSkull s/n?'

Yeah I am Skull too. I run around all day and am on different computers and it only allows one S/N per computer, etc...not trying to hide it. But edited my one comment because I realized I was argueing with two S/N and didn't want to confuse anyone. But wtf, it's only the UG, what do i care?--------

'Lol@Furytofeed editing his post after I pointed out how retarded it is.'

stfu, dantheman2, and don't be too proud of yourself. well, go have to take what you can get.--------

'And BTW, I didn't start any personal attacks. I spoke my opinion on Glenn "the midget" Danzig. I never said anything personal about TheSkull until he started insulting me, LOL. I fail to see how voicing my opinion of Danzig's music and Glenn himself a "personal attack" since he's not reading/posting on this board.'

What the fuck is 'egotistical bitch boy(just like you)' and 'reminds me of you in a less retarded way' sound like? Not personal? At that point it became more between me and you and less about Danzig. You dish it out, so take it. Grow up. You know you made some petty remarks and then started with the web muscles all over a stupid discussion. i just think of it as a game of capping(do they have that in KS?). Doesn't bother me, I enjoy razzing, but makes you look silly to start with the 'I'll fight ya' shit, cause who the hell is gonna travel a few states to settle differences over Glenn Danzig!?!.

'This is such a stupid thing to argue about. Go home to your Misfits posters and LPs and stop acting like such dumb posers.'

Why are you on the thread then, idiot? And like I said, only thing lamer than someone taking up for Glenn is some numbnut hater who has to make his inane opinion known...on a topic he has no interest in. God, what a ballhair.

Dude, honestly, there is NOTHING lamer than a Glenn Danzig groupie.

If you guys don't like his music that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. He certainly isn't great now, but the band as a whole was at one point. Albums 1-5 are just great albums and more people and musicians will agree than you think.

         If you don't think Glenn's work from Misfits, Samhain, and Danzig hasn't influenced a sh!t load of people/ artists then you have no idea what you're talking about.

You're like a sh!t talking 12 year old.

wow, I've always heard about this video but never seen it, and even after seeing I still would never even think about fucking with Danzig, that dude's scary, so what if he got cheap shotted.

bobraylemon....... I'm confused. Were you working out next to Glenn or Henry? In your initial post, you said it was Rollins, but in another post, it seemed like you were talking about Danzig.

Or maybe I just read something wrong.....

pgreen29-"...That guy from the East Side Kings was notorious for baiting people while being filmed. I remember seeing the video a year ago with the link to their website. There were others like that, and it got a little buzz going for the band, however the impossibly horrendous music was too much to swallow.

He has knocked a few people unconcious previously."---------------------------Any idea who those other KOed band member were ?? I guessing he liked to punk other bands on film. danzig being the biggest band he probably ever opened for, he figured this was a big fish to catch on film. It'll come back to him soon enough.

It's pretty easy to talk shit when you aren't in the situation yourself.

Danzig also got KTFO by a guy named Jay Caufield who use to play in the NHL as a fighter in the mid 90's.

Yeah nobody knows exactly how they'll act in such a situation. Hindsight is 20/20 and all that. Bad reaction to the situation, but Danny was CLEARLY planning this while Glen was caught off guard....Not to mention he's 50 years old and outweighed by about 100lbs.

cottonzway---"Danzig also got KTFO by a guy named Jay Caufield who use to play in the NHL as a fighter in the mid 90's."--------------------------------------------------------------------hey cottonzway, where and when did you hear about that ? I looked around for anything about that and found nothing. Source ?? What circumstances would lead to Glen vs a hockey enforcer ?

Relax bro there's no need to freak out, it's just the internet. I may not be a huge NSK fan, but I've been listening to Hardcore since I was 15 (big Agnostic Front,old SOIA, Madball, Skarhead, Sheer Terror, Blood for Blood fan).... and I happen to be a Danzig fan as well. Both guy were in the wrong here IMO. Danny for instigating the fight and Glen for being a hothead and feeding into it.

HOWEVER LOL @ Danny just being all innocent asking a simple question and getting attacked......First of all the guy shows up w/ a camera rolling. Then he gets ridiculously close to Glen and start talking sh!t to him in front of everybody. .....Realize just how close Danny got to him....Close enough to kiss. In fact standing face to face Danny's arm extended over Glen's shoulder, past it, and behind Glen. That's waaaay to close to just walk up to someone and talk sh!t to his face....Glen could probably smell the coldcuts on his breath and freaked out. EVERYONE knows Glen has a rep for being a hothead.......What other POSSIBLE reaction do you think Danny had in mind when he comes out from left field, get's all up in Glenn's face, and talks smack to him in front of his fans.....Danny expected a fight and he had the camera rolling the ENTIRE time.......

Not planned ?? W/ a camera and some readymade t-shirts for sale on his website soond after ? It was all a PR move really. Hardcore's not supposed to be about that ?? That's why he's cashing in w/ the shirts , posting the vid on his sight,and STILL milking this event 2 years later. Sure pal.

Sorry man, but instigating a fight, filming it, putting it on your website, and selling shirts to commemorate the event , and still bring it up on his blog (as recently as a few months ago) = milking it.

I'm fully aware that he knows it won'y make him rich, but he's still drawing attention to it. The Video, shirts, and recent blog entries on it point to him milking it. He probably does it more for notoriety and bragging rights. Being the guy to KO Danzig will give Danny plenty of "scene points" within the Hardcore circle......Seriously Danny and the band are more well known for this incident than anything they have ever done as a band. We wouldn't even be talking about them on the UG if not for the incident.

BTW NSK's not that bad. I do like that style.

"having actually fought danzig albeit in a club setting and before he became a student of escrima, and having trained with henry before I can say beyond a shadow of a doubt that the winner there is

used to be in Youth of Today....and now Shelter....trains under JJ Machado....

and is probably one of the toughest vegan krishna fighters around.

cheers, Eugene"

my friend tim used to run w/ray back in 85-86, tim was nuts and a bad dude and from what i understand ray was quite the scrapper too

Who's claiming to have fought Danzig in a "club setting ?"

Danzig is a Penis lick. When seeing his show in the early 90's he jumped of stage and started attacking some guy then when the guys friends came in he security busted it up and he left. This was his normal actions.

Read the thread. If you look it up, the 'big guy' ADMITTED he intentionally got in Danzig's face in front of people to provoke this response and was ready to throw a hail mary"

Source please???? I read a number of interviews with Danny after this incident and he always stated that he...

  1. Had a problem regarding NSK's set not happening.

  2. Went to the guy to complain who he thought could rectify the situation with a single word.

  3. The guy didn't respond nicely.

  4. The guy shoved danny.

  5. The guy got ko'ed.

what's the problem here?

Actually the Northside Kings were supposed to open and showed up three hour late so Danzig started to play instead of making the crowd wait.When they did show up the concert was already over and Danzig was signing autographs.The Northside Kings are notorious for starting fights then videotaping them. The fat fuck started shit with Danzig and got in his face to provoke a fight. Why would one have his buddy videotaping if it wasn't planned.Atleast Danzig had the balls to stand up to the guy unlike you losers.