Gordon Ryan’s girl looks like a tranny

So are we more disappointed with a guy who we feel can do better than this, or are we happy those two have something together?



He can do what he wants, whatever blows your hair back.


Give it away give it away give it away now

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I think because the guy acts like the epitome of a narcissistic douche bag on a daily basis, he makes it fair game to point out his ugly transsexual lady friend.

That’s an awful boob job.


Actually it was a smart play. Takes the focus off her face.


Frustrated World Cup GIF


Looks like Chad Mendes got some big old implants!


Ok, that’s pretty bad. Still wood.

She looks like Scott Steiner



Doesn’t look to shabby in these picture. Not everyone’s taste, but I dig it. I wonder if her clit looks like a thumb?

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It might be generational, but at what point does your personality that you portray online 99% of the time become who you really are to people based upon that is what is seen by most of them? It’s a relatively new phenomenon that people act one way online and then say, “well that’s not really how they are”. As far as perception goes, no dude, that’s exactly how you are.

I’m sure the biggest scumbags on earth are nice guys at home and to their friends.

Perception is reality,

Maybe I’m just old school.

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That would be it.

Marc Andre Fleury looking outfit

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I have to disagree with you. Perception is a result of several factors that aren’t accounted for online.

You totally play a character online and be completely different in real life. Plenty of people do it and make a good living from it.

What Gordon is doing is just a form of branding.

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That’s not Gordon’s gf

it’s the lead singer from RHCP

Ya. It’s gotta be generational or maybe even area of the country you were raised. There are a lot of ways to make money that might compromise your character, and dare I say honor, that a lot of people choose not to do. There’s a hell of a lot more to life than “getting paid” and having people think you are a dipshit.

Again, just my opinion. I totally get the argument from the other side. I just hope we move back to the old ways and we stop rewarding Idiocracy.

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he’s a 10 for the OG

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