Got my first L last night

Taco Muncher -

What was your complaining to the ref about at the 6:04 mark of the video after you brought him down and grabbed hold of his ankle?

Anyway, shake it off and get back to training and improving. Many guys never even climb into the cage. Keep your head up, mate. 

Amateur rules, so only straight locks were allowed, i thought the ref told me to let it go but he was saying it was straight so it was allowed, I’d already slacked off on it though so he got his leg back.

WattMell -
Dead President -

Everyone loses.

You'll be back.

Except Floyd bro.

Hard Work! Dedication! #TMT

Mayweather Jr. lost 8 times as an amateur. #YDKSAB

You'll learn from this and get better. Props man.

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.

definitely stole this quote. 

Sounds like you have the right attitude, keep at it, and best of luck mate

Showed a lot of heart in that fight bro. Much respect. 

"We win or we learn"


My one nice little moment of success


Chin up mate, you'll get em next time.

Bro u got in the cage and had a go , no one can talk shit on u for that. Youll come back stronger from this and next time some guy will be talking about how he clinged to a leg lock to stop you from smashing him .

I am not a fighter but you are!

Major props.

Thanks for the support UG but I've got that from my family and friends, tear me a new one!

Help OP out…

Someone get snoop to commentate.

That’s a tough loss man. Mad props for wanting to go again.

As far as fighting, that guy just looked to be better. Maybe trained for a lot longer.

Whatever the case, you have the right mentality. Just remember to take a break after the TKO. Workout like a mad man but no sparring :stuck_out_tongue:

Flamingo no reason to hang your head bro. You did a good job, and your ground game was looking good till he went to full mount.

I think one thing we can all see given the video is that you should have had more urgency to get back to your feet. Your arms are long af, and with a good jab you could maybe have kept this guy off of you. That's easy to say in retrospect after dissecting a video, but since you didn't have that luxury I would say you did a great job. Congrats bro on living life to the fullest. Keep at it! We're proud of you on the UG no matter how far you go..

MaxHollowedMyAnus - That's a tough loss man. Mad props for wanting to go again.

As far as fighting, that guy just looked to be better. Maybe trained for a lot longer.

Whatever the case, you have the right mentality. Just remember to take a break after the TKO. Workout like a mad man but no sparring :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think the other guy looked better at all, looks to me he just landed first and rocked bro first. Flamingo slipped up and got caught sleeping at the beginning of the fight. He probably didn’t expect the guy to jump right in without a feeling out process. A good stiff jab or clean counter from Flemingo early would have changed the pace of the fight. Flemingo should go get a win for a confidence boost, and then run that back with this guy. I truly feel Flemingo can beat this guy… those long arms are assets! Use them to their full potential OP. ALA Nick and Nate. 

KnockoutThoughts -
MaxHollowedMyAnus - That's a tough loss man. Mad props for wanting to go again.

As far as fighting, that guy just looked to be better. Maybe trained for a lot longer.

Whatever the case, you have the right mentality. Just remember to take a break after the TKO. Workout like a mad man but no sparring :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think the other guy looked better at all, looks to me he just landed first and rocked bro first. Flamingo slipped up and got caught sleeping at the beginning of the fight. He probably didn’t expect the guy to jump right in without a feeling out process. A good stiff jab or clean counter from Flemingo early would have changed the pace of the fight. Flemingo should go get a win for a confidence boost, and then run that back with this guy. I truly feel Flemingo can beat this guy… those long arms are assets! Use them to their full potential OP. ALA Nick and Nate. 

I’d agree with some of this, I didn’t come out ready to fight, I was hoping to get me eye in a little before stuff got going, I didn’t get that chance. Next time i fight that won’t happen, also I’m not seeing Tenesse till I’m a pro, fuck jumping back into that before I’m ready :slight_smile:

You need to listen to some Big Sean player

So now you move to 0-1? Tough luck OP.

Hillary's Fly -

So now you move to 0-1? Tough luck OP.

1 and 1, I won my debut against a 42 year old man with no ground game then went against a guy with a ufc fighter as his coach and in the weight class above me... now that i think about it maybe there should have been a step or two in there somewhere :) still I've learned lessons with this fight that will serve me for the rest of the time i'd like to spend fighting and to be honest I'm glad i learned them now rather than further down the line