Got my first L last night

KnockoutThoughts -
MaxHollowedMyAnus - That's a tough loss man. Mad props for wanting to go again.

As far as fighting, that guy just looked to be better. Maybe trained for a lot longer.

Whatever the case, you have the right mentality. Just remember to take a break after the TKO. Workout like a mad man but no sparring :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think the other guy looked better at all, looks to me he just landed first and rocked bro first. Flamingo slipped up and got caught sleeping at the beginning of the fight. He probably didn’t expect the guy to jump right in without a feeling out process. A good stiff jab or clean counter from Flemingo early would have changed the pace of the fight. Flemingo should go get a win for a confidence boost, and then run that back with this guy. I truly feel Flemingo can beat this guy… those long arms are assets! Use them to their full potential OP. ALA Nick and Nate. 

Yeah potentially. Those first few shots can do a lot and can just be hard to recover from. Hope he comes back strong and takes the next win.

Get back on that horse Bro!

flemingo -
dhughes -

Not to mention the stress on your family, friends and loved ones. Sorry to be a bummer but it truly seems like a terrible career to get into with so little upside. 

It is not the sole source of my hopes and dreams but I do want to take it as far as I can go, if that's as a fairly shit amateur well that will become apparent soon but if not I'd like to at least become king of pancrase. I'm also studying to be a physiotherapist so I do have a plan for afterwards 

I've never had a fight in my life, so not talking from experience here, but psychologically I think you should get away from even the possibility that you may only achieve 'shit amateur' status.

Got to change that mentality asap in my opinion to succeed in MMA; every single professional fighter seems to have a certain mindset that they are potentially one of the best and are training and competing to prove it to everyone else.

Good luck with your next fight man.  

flemingo - 

Thanks for the support UG but I've got that from my family and friends, tear me a new one!

You have the chin of a 12 year old girl, those shots barely connected. Its not 1999, quit hanging on that dudes leg like a 4 year old throwing a tamtrum being dragged by his daddy.


OK, now that I gave you what you wanted..... Its awesome that you learned from this and are willing to continue on. It takes pretty big balls to get in there, and until someones actually done it, they dont quite understand the awesome rush we get from it. Glad your ok bro and good luck in the future. While it may be a tough way to earn a living, it sure is fun. 

My prescription for you.

Listen to this an hour per day for the next 7 days.

Lost my only fight I had in which everyone thought I won even my opponents coach congratulated me on the win. So at least you have a W I don't. Get back on the horse and ride again and learn. 

Always remember you either win or you learn

dhughes -
flemingo -

Also this is just amateur so Its not as if this is affecting me deeply financially in the future but you know still stings. Mind you all i've thought of is shit to work on since the moment the fight ended so that at least tells me I'm actually cut out for this rather than deluding myself into it because I like mma.

Seems like such a terrible career path/life choice. Good luck. 

That's a little rough. Why are you a mod of an MMA forum with opinions like that?

The Cats Masher -
dhughes -
flemingo -

Also this is just amateur so Its not as if this is affecting me deeply financially in the future but you know still stings. Mind you all i've thought of is shit to work on since the moment the fight ended so that at least tells me I'm actually cut out for this rather than deluding myself into it because I like mma.

Seems like such a terrible career path/life choice. Good luck. 

That's a little rough. Why are you a mod of an MMA forum with opinions like that?

lmao. This. dhughes. Retire the red.

flemingo -

— Gentleman's Combat (@Gentlemanscomba) August 13, 2017

I lost by tko and 2:13 of the first round on Urban Fight Night 12

I had some moments of success but I couldn’t put enough together to capitalise and come back. I learned last night the difference between a hobbyist and a fighter. I went in that cage like the former and now I’m determined to become the latter. I will see the inside of a cage again after i fill some fairly glaring holes in my game. Feel free to tell my I suck ug. 

I know that feeling.  Lost my last fight against a guy I would have crushed a few years earlier.  Combination of job, wife, kid etc... made me a tourist in a world of professionals.  Good on you for deciding to get back in there - I walked away and have always wondered if I could have had a few more wins in me.

Probably the most mature way you could ever look at it. Honest and brave.

Win or learn, bro. Sounds like you learned. 

Masterclass -
flemingo - 

Thanks for the support UG but I've got that from my family and friends, tear me a new one!

You have the chin of a 12 year old girl, those shots barely connected. Its not 1999, quit hanging on that dudes leg like a 4 year old throwing a tamtrum being dragged by his daddy.


OK, now that I gave you what you wanted..... Its awesome that you learned from this and are willing to continue on. It takes pretty big balls to get in there, and until someones actually done it, they dont quite understand the awesome rush we get from it. Glad your ok bro and good luck in the future. While it may be a tough way to earn a living, it sure is fun. 

That's the way i expected this to go :)

Jason -

Some of the most respected and loved fighters in MMA history have nearly as many L’s on their records as W’s. Learn and move forward. Much respect 

Great comment.

Don't worry dude, you win some, you lose some. In the grand scheme it's the journey that matters. And even in the grander scheme nothing matters at all. So don't worry about it. Regroup, realize that you are nothing important and the universe owes you nothing, smile, try again.

You jumped in there man. You don't suck. 

Losses result in the greatest amount of improvement early in a career.

sounds like it's having the effect it should do on you.

i look forward to seeing your next one !

Here's where it all went wrong. 

Half-hearted leg kick lead to your demise by flurry and slam :/

Respect tho, keep doing what you love. 

dstTechnique -

Half-hearted leg kick lead to your demise by flurry and slam :/

Respect tho, keep doing what you love. 

Y/eah i just meant it as a poke to see how he'd react. How he reacted was to completely ignore it and blast me :)

ProteinOverdrive -

Don't worry dude, you win some, you lose some. In the grand scheme it's the journey that matters. And even in the grander scheme nothing matters at all. So don't worry about it. Regroup, realize that you are nothing important and the universe owes you nothing, smile, try again.

Just some advice, people in depressive state of minds don't take the knowledge that their lives are inherently meaningless in the grand dance of the cosmos particualrly well. Thankfully I'm not currently depressed but for the future if you want things to say to fighters who lose, "the universe doesn't care" isn't one of them. I appreciate the sentiment but others may not.

All I can think of when watching your fight