Got my first L last night

flemingo - 
ProteinOverdrive -

Don't worry dude, you win some, you lose some. In the grand scheme it's the journey that matters. And even in the grander scheme nothing matters at all. So don't worry about it. Regroup, realize that you are nothing important and the universe owes you nothing, smile, try again.

Just some advice, people in depressive state of minds don't take the knowledge that their lives are inherently meaningless in the grand dance of the cosmos particualrly well. Thankfully I'm not currently depressed but for the future if you want things to say to fighters who lose, "the universe doesn't care" isn't one of them. I appreciate the sentiment but others may not.

The most important question. How do you feel? Do you have a headache? Did you learn what you need to work on? Great job getting out there. Most people wouldn’t have made it out of the training. Youll be back.

armbarring -
flemingo - 
ProteinOverdrive -

Don't worry dude, you win some, you lose some. In the grand scheme it's the journey that matters. And even in the grander scheme nothing matters at all. So don't worry about it. Regroup, realize that you are nothing important and the universe owes you nothing, smile, try again.

Just some advice, people in depressive state of minds don't take the knowledge that their lives are inherently meaningless in the grand dance of the cosmos particualrly well. Thankfully I'm not currently depressed but for the future if you want things to say to fighters who lose, "the universe doesn't care" isn't one of them. I appreciate the sentiment but others may not.

The most important question. How do you feel? Do you have a headache? Did you learn what you need to work on? Great job getting out there. Most people wouldn’t have made it out of the training. Youll be back.

I feel good, no concussion symptoms and I lost an amateur fight, its not that important. I learned some important lessons and there’s alot of stuff to work on. And of course I’ll be back, I love this.

Barry_BondsMVP -

All I can think of when watching your fight 

You asshole :) I thought I managed to block those shots better than Rousey :)

flemingo -
Barry_BondsMVP -

All I can think of when watching your fight 

You asshole :) I thought I managed to block those shots better than Rousey :)

I like your attitude 

I'm a fuckin nerd sometimes