GSP sold out: Classic story

I really liked the direction of the MMA union (minus Bjorn). It was an opportunity for fighters to get standardized basepay and would, among other things, provide fighters universal health coverage post-career (remember the whole gofundme started for hall of famer Mark Coleman, who couldn't afford back surgery or Chris Leben's struggles). 

With one call from the egg he managed to completely sell out, disregarded the legitimacy of the MMA union, and chose what he thinks an easy fight at middleweight. If Yoel, Jacare, Mousasi, Rockhold, Weidmann were the champion he wouldn't even consider going to MW. And if he manages to win the belt he's going to do some other BS and leave a void in the divison, claiming he's a 2 weight champion. It's a fucking joke and he sold out. Just like Cowboy sold out with a single call. There's never going to be an MMA union. UFC wanted "standard sponsers" because "every other major sport has them" but would HATE a union (even though every other major sport has them).  

I don't care. If I had the opportunity I'd sell out as well.

sagemma - I don't care. If I had the opportunity I'd sell out as well.

And MMA never progresses. 

He didn't sell out, he bought in.

It would still progress, just not in the specific direction you want it to progress.

ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe - It would still progress, just not in the specific direction you want it to progress.

I agree and maybe I'm a bit biased. But wouldn't a union draw more talent long term? Whenever I talk to lay people about the UFC a lot of them say "they aren't paid well are they." If that's the general paradigm of thought, wouldn't talent been drawn to other sports.

I'm honestly not educated enough on unionization, to have a real opinion. I'm not really sure of the full effect unionization would have on mma.

yeah fuck him he should just not pursue what he loves and make millions while doing it

This is a long term project. He probably did a pause on it. But you think it's over forever with him? We just don't know. And maybe he won't be active as a figure head but will still lend official support if it gets traction. Hard to judge. You think fighters won't continue to.. fight? And negotiate deals?

And BTW he has said many times it was NOT a "union".

you guys are jumping to the conclusions. the fight hasn't been made yet, no bout agreements are signed.

did he leave it? maybe winning will give him more leverage to help with the project

triforce -
ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe - It would still progress, just not in the specific direction you want it to progress.

I agree and maybe I'm a bit biased. But wouldn't a union draw more talent long term? Whenever I talk to lay people about the UFC a lot of them say "they aren't paid well are they." If that's the general paradigm of thought, wouldn't talent been drawn to other sports.

Is there a boxing union? A wrestling union?


Which Iindividual combat sports have unions? Why compare it to the NFL?

triforce - 
sagemma - I don't care. If I had the opportunity I'd sell out as well.

And MMA never progresses. 

other than going from banned on tv to becoming one of the largest sports in the world sold for 4B dollars...


triforce -

I really liked the direction of the MMA union (minus Bjorn). It was an opportunity for fighters to get standardized basepay and would, among other things, provide fighters universal health coverage post-career (remember the whole gofundme started for hall of famer Mark Coleman, who couldn't afford back surgery or Chris Leben's struggles). 

With one call from the egg he managed to completely sell out, disregarded the legitimacy of the MMA union, and chose what he thinks an easy fight at middleweight. If Yoel, Jacare, Mousasi, Rockhold, Weidmann were the champion he wouldn't even consider going to MW. And if he manages to win the belt he's going to do some other BS and leave a void in the divison, claiming he's a 2 weight champion. It's a fucking joke and he sold out. Just like Cowboy sold out with a single call. There's never going to be an MMA union. UFC wanted "standard sponsers" because "every other major sport has them" but would HATE a union (even though every other major sport has them).  

Other than you saying he sold out, exactly how did he sell out? He accepted a fight like every other fighter in the sport.

He'll sell out the arena, WAR GSP.

Critical post about a fighter...

OP must be racist, right Tyron?

It was a far cry from a single phone call, but yeah he did seem to back off on the union talk on the MMA Hour this week. Said he did what he did for him, and it's now fighters' responsibility to do it for themselves.

triforce -
ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe - It would still progress, just not in the specific direction you want it to progress.

I agree and maybe I'm a bit biased. But wouldn't a union draw more talent long term? Whenever I talk to lay people about the UFC a lot of them say "they aren't paid well are they." If that's the general paradigm of thought, wouldn't talent been drawn to other sports.

unions are only a part of other major sports because they are based off a multiple franchise system where the teams compete against eachother and therefore need to collectively bargain with players in order to maintain their anti-trust exemptions. 


Another point is the majore spots leaguess cash flow is more consistent than MMA because the bulk of their revenue comes from multi-year deals from the TV networks.

leifdawg -
triforce -
ABCTT_HeHitsMeBecauseHeLovesMe - It would still progress, just not in the specific direction you want it to progress.

I agree and maybe I'm a bit biased. But wouldn't a union draw more talent long term? Whenever I talk to lay people about the UFC a lot of them say "they aren't paid well are they." If that's the general paradigm of thought, wouldn't talent been drawn to other sports.

unions are only a part of other major sports because they are based off a multiple franchise system where the teams compete against eachother and therefore need to collectively bargain with players in order to maintain their anti-trust exemptions. 

Also CFL players aren't in the NFL players Union, why would fighters from bellator be in the same union from fighters from the UFC and regional shows?