I hate to play a game of what if, but, having said that, obviously I am. What if GSP had beaten Matt Hughes the first time they had fought? Even if he still lost the first Serra fight he would still be a two-time (three-time if you include the interim belt) champion, but a 12 time defending UFC welterweight champ, surpassing Silva’s record. Even though that didn't actually happen, you have to take into account that he has been at the top of the division since ’04, fought tougher comp than AS since then, is 16-2 in the UFC and 9-2 in UFC title fights. AS is the GOAT as of now, GSP could easily have had that throne if he dispatched Hughes in their first fight, which obviously he didn't, but he’s only 31, the same age 37 year old Silva was when he first entered the octagon. If GSP stays uninjured and fights for at least five more years he could easily surpass Silva’s legacy, I just wonder if that first loss to Hughes will sway in Silva’s favor or not. I also wonder, if he doesn't surpass Silva, will that first Hughes fight linger in his head and keep him up at night, saying, “what if?”

There is a great argument for this, he has faced the better talent at 170 than any of the others guys whose names get tossed out before his.

JohnnyChingas - There is a great argument for this, he has faced the better talent at 170 than any of the others guys whose names get tossed out before his.

Couldn't agree more, if he only he had Sensei Seagal in his corner, haha. But, in all seriousness, how much has his rep been tarnished from his latest, not so entertaining fights? Silva has been incredibly exciting in all of his fights in the UFC except 2 or 3 if you count the Cote fight, while GSP used to be the most exciting guy to watch, his fights have slumped lately and Silva's have boomed.


GSP's more of a TIGER.

yellow wrkahlc -

GSP's more of a TIGER.

Lol. Took me a minute. Dur!! Phone Post

What about Chuck?

Chuck would KO Andy in their primes.

Since he won his title back after losing it to a lightweight he has finished one fight and it was because the corner called it quits.

True goat! Phone Post

UGCTT_Trentley - 
yellow wrkahlc -

GSP's more of a TIGER.

Lol. Took me a minute. Dur!! Phone Post

Sofa King Cool - 
Goderson Silva -
crossfire -  And the fact that the ww division got more talent... Phone Post

Explain this please.... I always hear it but never get a explanation.

Well, considering your SN, you probably never will get it.

But if you think Leites, Cote, Irvin, Marquardt, Leben, Sonnen, Maia, Bonnar, Griffin, Belfort, Okami and Lutter...

Oh fuck it. Nevermind. Phone Post

Here are the 2 problems with you list when comparing to GSP:


1. You cannot even mention Lutter, as the "Lutter" of GSP's career BEAT HIM sucka. ;)

2. You also cannot bring up Irvin,Forrest or Bonnar as those are fighters from a weight class ABOVE his own, and GSP has NEVER stepped up and faced anyone from MW. ;)


Thanks for playing.

Lol. What are all the great wins Kos, Alves, Hardy, Serra and Fitch have that make them so much better than everyone at middleweight? Hm? What have they done that is so much more impressive than Maia, Sonnen, Marquardt and Okami?

In terms of former champs, is Hughes, Shields and Penn that much better than Hendo, Franklin, Belfort and Forest?

GSP hasn't even defeated anyone in his divisions current top 5. I'm sick of hearing how much better his competition has been. Yes he's great, I don't even care if you think he's better than Silva. But the competition argument makes no sense to me. Phone Post

yellow wrkahlc - 

GSP's more of a TIGER.

Haha, that's pretty good.

yellow wrkahlc - 

GSP's more of a TIGER.

Haha, that's pretty good.

Thiaguy - Lutter, Maia, Cote, Lietes, Leben, Okami etc were....

(and I mean that's half Anderson's win streak right there LOL)

...were in no way shape or form the best etc

The fact they were ranked in the top 5 for just fighting Anderson or for losing to Anderson proves how pathetic the MW division is and always has been etc

I like Anderson but truth is Gsp has fought the better competition PERIOD

People use that argument because it's fucking true! LOL stop being in denial Anderson fanboy!

You can call me what you want and just say guys suck, but you haven't given a real reason or answered my question.

What have Alves, Kos, Fitch and Hardy done that is so much better than Marquardt, Okami, Sonnen and Maia?

What makes beating Penn, Hughes and Shields at 170 so much better than beating Franklin, Hendo, and Vitor at 185 and Forest at 205?

Do you have real reasons or are you just going to call me a fanboy and say middleweight sucks? You can make a good argument gsp is better. But competition is not how. Phone Post

Goderson Silva - GSP, Fedor, Anderson are the GOATS leave it at that whichever one you think is just think it it's hard to change someones mind on who is the greatest and who isn't lol

Very true, very true. I'd also put Hendo in there, but that's my personal opinion, which is exactly what p4p is, a personal opinion. I was just trying to make an argument, I do think Andy has it now, but GSP has a great chance of taking over in the years to come.

Did I really get 3 vote downs for this one thread??? klirs tstses you bitches, klirs tstses!!!!

GSP is definitely in the running for GOAT. His record is awesome, he dominates the best of his division time after time; and skill-wise, it's hard to imagine an appropriately sized GSP not doing the same thing he does to everyone at 170 to Anderson, Fedor, or Jones.

OnlyTheStrongSurvive -  GSP hasn't even defeated anyone in his divisions current top 5.

This argument is pretty dumb when you consider that GSP's been out for a year-and-a-half. Things keep moving. Not to mention cutting it off at "top 5" is as subjective as anything. If you expand it to the top 10, GSP has beaten as many as Silva (2), and if you look at the top 15, GSP's beaten more than Silva (4 to 3; one of Silva's three being Rich Franklin - who knows why he's still showing up in middleweight rankings.)

It looks like GSP was so far a head that even when he stopped dead, he kept his lead, at least in this category that people seem to place a lot of importance on - victories over currently top-ranked fighters.

JohnnyChingas - There is a great argument for this, he has faced the better talent at 170 than any of the others guys whose names get tossed out before his.

There is a lot of truth in this. Since GSP has been champ WW has been largely considered one of the deepest divisions in MMA. 

While I hate the GOAT discussion as it always inevitably ends up with one guy shitting on a fighters resumé in order to make a case for his guy. Can we just accept that there are certain guys like Anderson, Fedor, GSP that are amongst the greatest fighters to ever step into a cage/ring? Do we need to find ways to disparage the legacies and careers of other fighters? 

Thiaguy - 
NastyNate420 - 
Goderson Silva - GSP, Fedor, Anderson are the GOATS leave it at that whichever one you think is just think it it's hard to change someones mind on who is the greatest and who isn't lol

Very true, very true. I'd also put Hendo in there, but that's my personal opinion, which is exactly what p4p is, a personal opinion. I was just trying to make an argument, I do think Andy has it now, but GSP has a great chance of taking over in the years to come.

Pound for pound is such non sense

At least when talking about GOAT, you are working with actualitys etc

Yeah, but when I say GOAT, I meant greatest p4p of all time, sorry, should have clarified that. There are no guidelines or rules to qualify who is the GOAT or who is the p4p best, it's all speculation.