GSP wants Olympic drug testing for UFC

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                                GSP wants Olympic drug testing for UFC

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                    <p>Georges St-Pierre has cited part of the reason for his retirement was because of the lack of stringent drug testing in the UFC. The UFC has made strides toward a stricter policy and is working to help athletic commissions test more with financial support.&nbsp;</p>

However, what St-Pierre really wants is Olympic style testing done by an independent organization that is not influenced by money:

"They need to make it more like Olympic drug testing. An independent organization that doesn't have any affiliation with the money of the organization. The only thing I wanted to do is to help raise our sport to another level. If we want that to go worldwide, it's the next step to follow. Like Judo or any other sport, we are lacking behind and it's normal because it's still a new sport, and we're still trying to figure it out to make this thing, but that I believe is the next step."

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I thought Olympic is the dirtiest sport of all. According to Victor Conte guy. If that was the case, everyone will be roiding. No?? Phone Post 3.0

Yun - I thought Olympic is the dirtiest sport of all. According to Victor Conte guy. If that was the case, everyone will be roiding. No?? Phone Post 3.0
It's the most expensive to cheat in. The juicers have to use designer ped's to get past the tests. In mma there are very few fighters that would be able to afford such drugs.

Look up the Marion jones article, someone copy/pasted it to the ug a few years back when her dealer got busted and outed her Phone Post 3.0

Chitownjohn23 - The Mark Mcgwire of MMA pushing for all these tests now. I find it so hilarious. It's absolute nonsense that GSP is pushing for this.
And accusing a guy who wants to clean up the sport of juicing, when he just walked away at the peak of his earning potential, most likely earning around 10 mill a fight is retarded. Phone Post 3.0

Chitownjohn23 - The Mark Mcgwire of MMA pushing for all these tests now. I find it so hilarious. It's absolute nonsense that GSP is pushing for this.
Gotta a slow one here... Not the sharpest tool in the shed Phone Post 3.0

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Chitownjohn23 - The Mark Mcgwire of MMA pushing for all these tests now. I find it so hilarious. It's absolute nonsense that GSP is pushing for this.
And accusing a guy who wants to clean up the sport of juicing, when he just walked away at the peak of his earning potential, most likely earning around 10 mill a fight is retarded. Phone Post 3.0

What is the point your getting at here?

He walked away at the peak of his earning potential? When the drug suddenly testing dramatically improved? And he had a dramatic decrease in his performance level with the increased drug testing, along with 5-6 pounds of lost body weight?

Chitownjohn23 - Oh yeah.....GSP is the cleanest fighter out there. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
Phone Post 3.0

Chitownjohn23 - Oh yeah.....GSP is the cleanest fighter out there. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
What test has he failed?
What test has he not done?(and doth give me the "nsac said he refused random testing" bullshit, he asked a couple questions and they pulled the plug)

Every time he's been asked to, he's complied with random testing, as well has requested it himself ON HIS DOLLAR

Also champions and contenders are tested every fight, how many title fights has he been in? Phone Post 3.0

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Chitownjohn23 - Oh yeah.....GSP is the cleanest fighter out there. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
What test has he failed?
What test has he not done?(and doth give me the "nsac said he refused random testing" bullshit, he asked a couple questions and they pulled the plug)

Every time he's been asked to, he's complied with random testing, as well has requested it himself ON HIS DOLLAR

Also champions and contenders are tested every fight, how many title fights has he been in? Phone Post 3.0

He said he would "Olympic style" testing against Josh Koscheck, that never materialised.

Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Chitownjohn23 - Oh yeah.....GSP is the cleanest fighter out there. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.
What test has he failed?
What test has he not done?(and doth give me the "nsac said he refused random testing" bullshit, he asked a couple questions and they pulled the plug)

Every time he's been asked to, he's complied with random testing, as well has requested it himself ON HIS DOLLAR

Also champions and contenders are tested every fight, how many title fights has he been in? Phone Post 3.0

He said he would "Olympic style" testing against Josh Koscheck, that never materialised.
Is that on gsp for not implementing it? Phone Post 3.0

"doth give me the "nsac said he refused random testing" bullshit, he asked a couple questions and they pulled the plug)"

I think it's reasonable to be suspicious of someone who requested random testing, and then when the AC said they'd do it, suddenly started asking "so during which periods exactly will you test, and for exactly which substances?" Neither of those questions would have any importance for someone who was never taking any PEDs.

orcus - "doth give me the "nsac said he refused random testing" bullshit, he asked a couple questions and they pulled the plug)"

I think it's reasonable to be suspicious of someone who requested random testing, and then when the AC said they'd do it, suddenly started asking "so during which periods exactly will you test, and for exactly which substances?" Neither of those questions would have any importance for someone who was never taking any PEDs.
I agree. It's reasonable to be suspicious.

However, he did agree to do both forms of testing.

You can't burn a guy at the cross when he's gone above and beyond the norm when it cones to testing. Phone Post 3.0

He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.

Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
Nope Phone Post 3.0

Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
So he didn't do extra testing vs bj and Hendrix? Phone Post 3.0

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
So he didn't do extra testing vs bj and Hendrix? Phone Post 3.0

What are you on about.

There was very basic testing for Penn vs GSP I and II.

At that point Penn was known as an anti-drug athlete, he said prior to his feud with Sean Sherk "I've fought guys in the past who I thought were on stuff", during the Sherk feud he really spoke out on PED's.

GSP had never talked about steroids and ignored accusations by Phil Baroni he had "bitch tits" at the start of his UFC career.

GSP did do extra testing against Hendricks.

Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
So he didn't do extra testing vs bj and Hendrix? Phone Post 3.0

What are you on about.

There was very basic testing for Penn vs GSP I and II.

At that point Penn was known as an anti-drug athlete, he said prior to his feud with Sean Sherk "I've fought guys in the past who I thought were on stuff", during the Sherk feud he really spoke out on PED's.

GSP had never talked about steroids and ignored accusations by Phil Baroni he had "bitch tits" at the start of his UFC career.

GSP did do extra testing against Hendricks.
I though bj caller for wada testing vs George also? Phone Post 3.0

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever -
Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
So he didn't do extra testing vs bj and Hendrix? Phone Post 3.0

What are you on about.

There was very basic testing for Penn vs GSP I and II.

At that point Penn was known as an anti-drug athlete, he said prior to his feud with Sean Sherk "I've fought guys in the past who I thought were on stuff", during the Sherk feud he really spoke out on PED's.

GSP had never talked about steroids and ignored accusations by Phil Baroni he had "bitch tits" at the start of his UFC career.

GSP did do extra testing against Hendricks.
I though bj caller for wada testing vs George also? Phone Post 3.0
I just found the emailed letter gsp has posted on bj about a clean test result from wada Phone Post 3.0

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever -
Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
So he didn't do extra testing vs bj and Hendrix? Phone Post 3.0

What are you on about.

There was very basic testing for Penn vs GSP I and II.

At that point Penn was known as an anti-drug athlete, he said prior to his feud with Sean Sherk "I've fought guys in the past who I thought were on stuff", during the Sherk feud he really spoke out on PED's.

GSP had never talked about steroids and ignored accusations by Phil Baroni he had "bitch tits" at the start of his UFC career.

GSP did do extra testing against Hendricks.
I though bj caller for wada testing vs George also? Phone Post 3.0
I just found the emailed letter gsp has posted on bj about a clean test result from wada Phone Post 3.0


The first bout of BJ Penns career with VADA testing was against Rory Macdonald.

Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever -
Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
So he didn't do extra testing vs bj and Hendrix? Phone Post 3.0

What are you on about.

There was very basic testing for Penn vs GSP I and II.

At that point Penn was known as an anti-drug athlete, he said prior to his feud with Sean Sherk "I've fought guys in the past who I thought were on stuff", during the Sherk feud he really spoke out on PED's.

GSP had never talked about steroids and ignored accusations by Phil Baroni he had "bitch tits" at the start of his UFC career.

GSP did do extra testing against Hendricks.
I though bj caller for wada testing vs George also? Phone Post 3.0
I just found the emailed letter gsp has posted on bj about a clean test result from wada Phone Post 3.0


The first bout of BJ Penns career with VADA testing was against Rory Macdonald.
I wish I could link from iPhone, the we address just reads bj Phone Post 3.0