GSP wants Olympic drug testing for UFC

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever -
Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever -
Lanceness021 -
ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Deaf Forever - He's saying this anti-roid stuff to deflect the accusations off him. Why didn't he call for random, Olympic drug testing much earlier (like say around the time he fought Dan Hardy, Koscheck, Shields)? There's no way in hell he wouldn't know the sport was dirty back then. He waited until his "retirement" fight to start VADA testing.
So he didn't do extra testing vs bj and Hendrix? Phone Post 3.0

What are you on about.

There was very basic testing for Penn vs GSP I and II.

At that point Penn was known as an anti-drug athlete, he said prior to his feud with Sean Sherk "I've fought guys in the past who I thought were on stuff", during the Sherk feud he really spoke out on PED's.

GSP had never talked about steroids and ignored accusations by Phil Baroni he had "bitch tits" at the start of his UFC career.

GSP did do extra testing against Hendricks.
I though bj caller for wada testing vs George also? Phone Post 3.0
I just found the emailed letter gsp has posted on bj about a clean test result from wada Phone Post 3.0


The first bout of BJ Penns career with VADA testing was against Rory Macdonald.
I wish I could link from iPhone, the we address just reads bj Phone Post 3.0
I'm an idiot, it was the vada letter from the Hendrix fight Phone Post 3.0

devils advocate - Can't tell if people trolling or are really that fucking retarded with this GSP on steroids shit

I'm sure that was all a part of his masterplan Phone Post 3.0
People are trolling, it's to be expected in every gsp thread now within the first 3 posts.

Kind of a redundant angle, at least guys like calo are funny/creative.

They must be from sherdog Phone Post 3.0

Lets do it!!!!!!!

Chitownjohn23 - The Mark Mcgwire of MMA pushing for all these tests now. I find it so hilarious. It's absolute nonsense that GSP is pushing for this.
My vote has been cast. Phone Post 3.0

Yun - I thought Olympic is the dirtiest sport of all. According to Victor Conte guy. If that was the case, everyone will be roiding. No?? Phone Post 3.0

It's every 4 years and a culmination event, it still doesn't mean the testing isn't the hardest on earth to bear.

devils advocate - Can't tell if people trolling or are really that fucking retarded with this GSP on steroids shit

I'm sure that was all a part of his masterplan Phone Post 3.0

Why would anyone be trolling, GSP has indicated PED's are rampant in MMA. Several people have estimated 60-70%, it's becoming an accepted figure.

In a sport where use of PED's are so common why is it so hard to believe GSP uses. You would have to imagine GSP works much, much harder at his strength and conditioning or has insane genetics for him to stick out as the most ripped guy with the best stamina in his weight class.

It's logical that a higher proportion of the champions would use. It's a naive mentality to imagine that PED's are for losers and bad characters, you can look at the career arcs of Chael and Reem to see they really work in MMA and countless examples from other sports to see that as well.

I would want to know what was on the testing list if I was an athlete. The tests can include things like over the counter cold medicine etc so you could fall fowl when not actually cheating. Phone Post 3.0

foul? Phone Post 3.0

Ask BJ first

I suspect the pressure GSP put on the UFC and NSAC, etc. is a big reason testing has become more aggressive, even if Dana, et al. were publicy insulting him for trying to clean up the sport.

Even Justin Bieber deleted his Instagram selfie with GSP once he realized GSP was anti-drugs:

Tu quoque (/tu??kwo?kwi?/;[1] Latin for "you, too" or "you, also") or the appeal to hypocrisy is an argument that intends to discredit the opponent's position by asserting the opponent's failure to act consistently in accordance with that position. It attempts to show that a criticism or objection applies equally to the person making it. This attempts to dismiss opponent's position based on criticism of the opponent's inconsistency and not the position presented.[2] It is a special case of ad hominem fallacy, which is a category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of fact about the person presenting or supporting the claim or argument.[3] To clarify, although the person being attacked might indeed be acting inconsistently or hypocritically, such behavior does not invalidate the position presented.

Chitownjohn23 - Oh yeah.....GSP is the cleanest fighter out there. Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

That's your whole argument?

Very persuasive.

GSP was doing the VADA testing for his last fight and looked as good physically as he ever has, and at 32 he isn't in his physical prime. I wouldn't be surprised if at the very start of his career he was on something but any accusation of him juicing during his championship run is pretty much baseless.

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Yun - I thought Olympic is the dirtiest sport of all. According to Victor Conte guy. If that was the case, everyone will be roiding. No?? Phone Post 3.0
It's the most expensive to cheat in. The juicers have to use designer ped's to get past the tests. In mma there are very few fighters that would be able to afford such drugs.

Look up the Marion jones article, someone copy/pasted it to the ug a few years back when her dealer got busted and outed her Phone Post 3.0

You're a little backwards there on what happened with Marion Jones. 'Game of Shadows' is worth the read to anyone who is skeptical about how wide spread PED usage is. Her dealer who outed her is the same Victor Conte in the previously quoted post, that now crusades against PED's...

mada - Who pays for it if the UFC doesn't? It's easy to act like you want something if it's an impossible request. He's been on PED's as have most all fighters. People on this board are so naive about this shit. You sound like the retards that follow baseball and were shocked McGuire and Bonds juiced. Phone Post 3.0

Funniest thing about that is Bonds and Clemens, the poster boys for the PED era, are the only ones who weren't found guilty of doing anything wrong.

Gsp has definately done stuff before. lol at his HGH gut. Funny how he only recently started getting all anti drugs. When bj penn was calling him out for it he didnt share bjs same sentiments.

Its no coincidence that gsps performance levels have substancially dropped since hes began this anti drug tirade + random testing

hint- he is off the roids now....thats why hes suddenly out of his prime

ShowtimeWreckedMyLeever - 
Yun - I thought Olympic is the dirtiest sport of all. According to Victor Conte guy. If that was the case, everyone will be roiding. No?? Phone Post 3.0
It's the most expensive to cheat in. The juicers have to use designer ped's to get past the tests. In mma there are very few fighters that would be able to afford such drugs.

Look up the Marion jones article, someone copy/pasted it to the ug a few years back when her dealer got busted and outed her Phone Post 3.0

cycling has the most difficult test to beat, they have a blood an steroid passport.

Whambo - GSP was doing the VADA testing for his last fight and looked as good physically as he ever has, and at 32 he isn't in his physical prime. I wouldn't be surprised if at the very start of his career he was on something but any accusation of him juicing during his championship run is pretty much baseless.

That's not technically true, he looked no less ripped but he was definitely smaller.

Both guys made reference to it:

GSP: "I was losing weight and I needed a break to preserve my mental health".

Hendricks: "Have you seen him over the last two months (during VADA testing), he shrank a little bit".

It was the first time in GSP's career he had ever been outmuscled or out wrestled.

I like Georges. I know he never tested positive for anything in his career, so I can't say with certainty that he was using illegal performance enhancers. However, it would be untruthful to myself if his never failing a test was the basis of my entire opinion. I'm allowed to speculate. And truthfully, my gut tells me George has used stuff in his career. But I do think what he's doing is necessary regardless of him using or not using.

"The only thing I wanted to do is to help raise our sport to another level."

how could you possibly do that with 1 drug test - in your last fight? i had a feeling that the retirement rumors were true when the vada talk started. all speculation on my part but i think he wanted to clear his name before leaving, more so than "raise" the sport. i don't see him coming back..