Hardy should fight once more to earn title shot.

I think he did earn the shot with the Swick victory, but feel like he needs one more.

Hardy Vs. Alves or Daley would be amazing.

I guess I just want to see how Hardy fares against a striker of Thiago's caliber.

If Hardy isn't ready, too bad. GSP needs the next guy in line, and Hardy is the next guy that GSP hasn't already beaten. 

I forgot about Fitch.

 That's the problem when a guy cleans out his weight class, you end up fighting those that aren't contender ready.  I wouldn't blame it on Hardy, who knows maybe he'll Matt Serria GSP?

BanjaCop - 
Zedlepln - If Hardy isn't ready, too bad. GSP needs the next guy in line, and Hardy is the next guy that GSP hasn't already beaten. 

Oh I definitely agree, it's just a shame to see the guy work so hard for a fight he's so clearly not going to be ready for-unless he makes absolutely phenomonal improvements over the next couple months.
Yeah, I really like Dan.

However, MMA is not boxing. Losses happen, and in many cases can be positive. He'll be a better fighter, win or lose, after GSP.

Monsters Ball - I thought he should fight Fitch next. Overcoming Fitch and his wrestling would really prepare him for GSP. If he can't beat Fitch then he's not ready for GSP anyway.

Much of the decision is based on the fact GSP needs a challenger whom he hasn't beaten already,IMO.
Agreed. It would be difficult to market alternating GSP-Fitch and GSP-Alves fights for the next few years until someone shows up that can crack that trio. You could have said the same thing about the MW division, too.

mcpeepants232003 - 
inf0 - 
AmericanPsychoMMA -  That's the problem when a guy cleans out his weight class, you end up fighting those that aren't contender ready.  I wouldn't blame it on Hardy, who knows maybe he'll Matt Serria GSP?

lol @ cleared out the division!!!!

He's beat a couple decent fighters.. but let's not forget Swick hasn't exactly done much at 170lbs... nor Davis for that matter.

I think he's talking about Gsp.

 yes I was, I should have said GSP, but figure you people knew I was talking about GSP and not Hardy.  By no means I feel Hardy cleared the WW division. 

it SHOULD be the winner of koscheck/rumble v Hardy for the title shot

I think Hardy should fight Alves first. Just to prove Alves is not a better striker than Hardy.

Alves is aggresive and has heavy kicks his punches are basic power shots. Hardy is more technical in his punches he swings his fists in a perfect horizontal line just like boxers.

Hardy via K.O

swick is way too skinny at 170

Anyone who beats Alves and/or Fitch convincingly deserves a title shot. So if Hardy can beat either of those two, I think the fight after should be against GSP for the WW title.

mcpeepants232003 - 
ValeTudo 1 - I think Hardy should fight Alves first. Just to prove Alves is not a better striker than Hardy.

Alves is aggresive and has heavy kicks his punches are basic power shots. Hardy is more technical in his punches he swings his fists in a perfect horizontal line just like boxers.

Hardy via K.O

If his striking is so brilliant why did he barely beat Davis and squeak by Swick as well?

He out grappled and striked Davis (who is a really good striker and has excellent technique but lacks aggresion). He messed Davis up.

As for Swick he had him rocked in all 3 rounds but was looking to out grapple him. He could of easily finished him in round 2 but clinched for no reason.

 3 more wins imo

at least 1 finish

Hardy hasn't earned it yet, they should give him alves, fitch or kos I think they would all wreck him.

He out grappled and striked Davis (who is a really good striker and has excellent technique but lacks aggresion). He messed Davis up.

As for Swick he had him rocked in all 3 rounds but was looking to out grapple him. He could of easily finished him in round 2 but clinched for no reason.

Go back and watch the Davis fight. It was a split decision that could have gone either way. Davis with octagon control & Hardy rocked him a few times. Hardy doesn't deserve a title match yet. We're at this point because GSP has run thru the whole division. Make Hardy fight the Rumble/Kos winner. Johnson will be fighting GSP soon!

Bad situation. Fitch would beat Hardy.

I dont wanna see GSP/Fitch again and its too soon for Alves/GSP II.

I wanna see Fitch/Alves rematch though, i take Alves.

Maybe the winner of AJ/Kos vs Hardy?

Hardy has done everything the UFC has asked of him so far.  Swick didn't prove to be a challenge for him but it's not like he destroyed Swick.  I think GSP takes him down easily and Hardy gets pounded into oblivion like any of GSP's previous fights.  Or he'll at least get taken down in the first round or two and hurt bad enough to effect the rest of the fight.

If not, and he can stop GSP's takedowns, he could be the champ.  I like this fight.  People would be saying the same thing if Swick/Kampmann had happened, that they aren't worthy. 


And every time I've doubted Hardy before he's won easily, so am tired of doing that as well.  He's earned his shot in my eyes.

Johnson will beat Kos, but I don't see him beating Alves, Hardy, Daley and def not GSP.

Hardy hasn't earned it, and is nowhere near ready for what GSP will do to him, but with the amount of fights being cancelled, and no title's to contest, they have little choice, they need GSP to fight.

hardy will be the sacrificial lamb, and I hope, when GSP puts him out, he will walk over and hand him a 'runner up' trophy. better yet 'participant'.

I also think Hardy should fight the winner of Kos/Johnson, but how long is GSP gonna sit out and wait to defend his belt. He needs to fight someone soon, I also think if Hardy had finished Swick that people would be more accepting of his title shot