have a bad neck what to do

anyone w/ some cheap stretching ideas

'Sup Jeremy!

What exactly do you mean by "bad neck"? I highly advise seeing a chiropractor if your neck is bothering you. Especially from all the years of CSW neck abuse we've both endured!

I've had a lot of recent experience with neck problems and WISH that I had seen a chiropractor on a regular basis for preventative work.

Jedi - anyone w/ some cheap stretching ideas

"bad neck" can mean almost anything from "mostly decapitated" to "mild irritation" depending on one's perspective. The first thing to do is have someone knowledgeable evaluate your situation in person.

When you know what the problem is, it's much easier to figure out what stretches (if any) may be appropriate and effective.

Best wishes for a quick recovery!

Jason Erickson

hey scott how are you?

Doing good overall, man. After a year of cancer treatment, the body doesn't want to get back to normal as easy as it used to! Of course, at 39 years old it could be age, too. LOL!

How's the neck? Mine makes my arm tingle like it's going to sleep almost constantly.

a year of cancer treatment? holy shit! how is everything? as far as my neck; it is all about range of motion. i think i try to many home remedies.

Far as I know, I'm in the clear for now and getting back to my old self as much as possible.

Concerning range of motion: Seriously, find a good chiro. I couldn't look to my right far enough and didn't even fully realize what a problem it was. My lower back was also giving me lots of problems and I was having trouble bridging. In one visit I had my range of motion almost totally restored. On a bad note, I let things go too far and have some permanent damage. My right arm tingles like it's going to sleep almost all the time. I have compressed discs and a nerve is being pinched in my neck. My entire spine is a little wavy from left to right and my neck has 'military neck, i.e. it's too straight. Even my tailbone is hooked off to one side! Too many years of abuse.

I now recommend that everyone in our gym has at least one yearly visit to a chiropractor to get a check-up. It's just as important as a dentist if not more so.

JasonE - The first thing to do is have someone knowledgeable evaluate your situation in person.



 stretching is overated and can lead to more injuries

lookinto strength training your neck

Look at less obvious cause for the pain. My pain originated from grappling about 12years ago. Iw would very in severity

I always attributed this as the main cause. But over the last few years a simple adjustment in my reading position in my bed has made a legit huge difference.