Hawaii - Kids - Fighting

hawaii is a country? overthrow aside, im fairly sure in 1959 we became a state... waits for it to be a decent time in hawaii for the flood of hate responses =)

hahaha..sorry i meant hawaii is country. kinda like the south but in its own unique way

Maybe, but it's not a "current" status. This has been going on forever. Maybe the technical dynamics have changed due to MMA, but it's not new or current only.

what some people dont understand is that this type of fighting or what ever you want to call is for fun. there are no hard feelings. its like playing football, bsaeball, or soccer. i did it all the time growing up and ive only been in jail since 97.... as a correctional officer. ano8t6

CruJones, although you busted on my post about hawaii being country :-).. i agree with what you said..

I remember the days of fighting in school in Hawaii and it wasn't all fun. For the spectators and instigators it was a good time but the fighters really tried to hurt eachother. That was way before MMA came along when only boxing and kickboxing were popular so if you fought the wrong guy then you'd go home with shiners or a busted mouth from a soccer kick.

As a dad who is moving back to hawaii (I left to make a living as well) I think the fighting thing will only get worst b/c of mma. I'm concerned about my kids. Of course they're going to learn how to defend themselves. But fighting can never end in good unless it's for legitimate competition and in a controlled environment. Otherwise there will eventually be serious injuries.

I think most kids fight to gain a reputation. If a small filipino kid has a chance now to scrap the biggest samoan kid and choke him unconcious or break his arm or leg he will be a legend in school.

This might have been a positive thread but I think there's some real issues with this.

How many Haoles get into fights when they are kids there?More so than the "native" Hawaiians?

"How many Haoles get into fights when they are kids there?More so than the "native" Hawaiians?"

not really... but that's probably just because there are more in sheer quantity of these "native" types you refer to...
i grew up with my fair share of beefs and whatnot, but i still think hawaii is a LOT less violent than any other place i've lived... including Long Beach, CA, and other parts of L.A., etc...
i guess you see your fair share of scraps here but i've never been "shocked" by how violent it is here or anything...
i guess i'm just comfortable and feel like i'm not really in danger and having the right attitude can (and often has) pretty much diffuse any potentially violent situation...
i very rarely see someone getting beat up who didn't actually want to be in the fight...
i DID see that a lot more often in the mainland...

anyway... just my $0.02...

Reenz, I was just busting your balls… =)

Yes the CURRENT status is all that matters right now. The past isn't an excuse, which seems to be the trend "since i can remember".

RAZEGEAR, you are 100% right. Hawaii is far less violent than other places. Comparing LA to the islands is like comparing a gang brawl to WW2.

they need to get their country back so they can regain their own power

i had a bro that grew up there... he told me about a charming local custom called "kill haole day"

yea it sounds more like "throw a white dude in a pond day" the way he described it

Where do you guys get this shit?
Kill a Haole day?
I grew up on the Big Island, Hilo side from 1981 (me 3 years old) till 2000.
I'm Caucasian and Japanese but don't look Japanese at all.

I got into a total of 4 fights in that time.

As a tourist, the North Shore of Oahu is the only place you might be exposed to this stuff. I went on a vacation there, and pretty much stuck to tourist traps, and didn't have any problems at all. Even in the malls or walking around Honolulu, no one was mean-mugging me or anything, while back here in Buffalo a trip to the mall guarantees at least a few punks are going to try a staredown at some point, though most look away if you don't (I live in suburbia, not a deadly urban area).

I can't speak for living in Hawaii, but as a visitor you generally aren't going to find trouble unless you look for it. The touristy areas are fairly low crime. I never felt nervous anywhere while I was there.

"Where do you guys get this shit?"

my bro that grew up in hawaii (see above post)

I never heard the kill haole day one but I remember when I was in elementary (80's) I used to always hear the high school fellaz say (after some beers):

"Eh, we go waikiki and lick some haoles!"

Things changed through the 90's though and I'm sure it's a lot better now.

"Eh, we go waikiki and lick some haoles!"

lol, sounds like what some friends of mine used to do, but not to target haoles or anyone in particular. They would just head to Waikiki because it was crowded so it's easy to find fights with other people looking to fight.

I believe he "retired" that habit when a motorcycle cop almost ran over his head.

If you look for fights in Hawaii you'll find it, but just stay away from stuipid stuff you'll be fine. I'm more scared of Compton than anywhere in Hawaii.

Oh and I'm the only Haole in my waialua hood! lol

"*Oh and I'm the only Haole in my waialua hood! lol*"

you might wanna' mention that you're probably the only haole in your waialua hood with a BLACK BELT in BJJ!!!... ;)
CONGRATS you fuckin' haole!!!...
awesome news... and welcome back!!!
now let's get the other great white moke together and have a friggin' BBQ already... :)

Razeman- drop me a email, I lost yours and don't have your ph#. Thanks for the congrats, and would love to catch up with you and the great white moke for some dinner (Bar-b-que or whatever, maybe even town lol).


e-mail sent... :)