Hawaii - Kids - Fighting

killer rabbit - wrong - try Waimea on the BI. Again let me repeat myself - these kids have some serious skill - and they fight for fun - not out of anger. For those of you who " left " your homeland to go find better work - that's awesome ! Considering there is only what 50,000 people per big town. Of course the mainland has more options. We have a great job here that the mainland can't offer. If you trust in the man above - you will end up where He needs you.

I am no expert on Hawaii, all I was saying is that a tourist in tourist areas that isn't looking to scrap, probably won't have to. A few other posters seemed to be portraying Hawaii as fights breaking out everywhere you look, and every Hawaiian looking to beat haole ass daily. I am sure there are some more colorful locations than the main tourist traps, but generally there isn't much reason for a tourist to be there.

The Big Island is definitely a lot different economically than Oahu - no argument there.

Just curious. How bad or good is the Palama settlement for violence and the such. Iam going there for a a bball tourney so yea.

Hawaii is the state of "gang up on the Barney"

Bunch of pussies. In high school I always minded my own business and was kind to everyone. Yet, being one of the only barney white boys in one of the most ghetto schools in Hawaii showed me the truth: If you beat up a "local boy" in a fair fight, his boys will jump you later that night.

What ghetto school did you go to? And what age did you get to Hawaii? And which local boy did you beat?

palama settlement is home to a lot of samoans who think they suge knight. this kill haole thing is bull to me, i have benn in hawaii since birth and have never heard of kill haole day until i seen it in the paper a couple of years back. at nanakuli high school, the haoles were treated normal.

MOke, I beat several local boys because they thought I was easy picking. What they didn't know was that I trained in TKD several hours a day! My kicks always caught them off-guard. I KO'd two of them right off the bat which left the rest of their boys with their mouths agape.

Anyway, I'm sure you don't believe the tales of the BARNEY white boy but my younger brother had it much worse than I did & he got into fights regularly. And all he wanted was to be left alone.

Fighting is normal in Hawaii, I got into fights everywhere, most of the time I was minding my own business as well. Fought at Zippy's when some dude threw a bunch of trays at me, fought at Blaisdell when some white boy Marines were talking shiz about the Japanese fighters in RINGS, etc. etc. etc. In the famous words of Kid Yamamoto when he came to Hawaii, "There's a lot of angry people around here!"

Jack I never said I didn't believe. I've even seen a tourist hand out a beating to a local at Sandy beach before, and the reaction was awe and respect for the guy (also because it was so unexpected). I just wanted to know what school you went to and when you arrived. Believe it or not, being born a white dude there is different than being a white dude and arriving when you were five or whatever. If you're haole, especially a super pale blonde type haole, then personality is going to make the biggest difference in whether you get picked on alot and whether you have heavy type friends that people know not to fuck with you.

Lol @ Kid Yamamoto's "There's a lot of angry people around here!" when he'd be hangin' out with Enson, Egan and the boys from Grappling Unl. Who in there right mind would fuck with that bunch of guys!!!
Allways love all the fight stories in Hawaii, I must live in a fantasy world on the good old North Shore!!

Tyson proves it being the bright blue eyed moke that he is. ;)

moking out in Philly or Vegas or wherever you are these days!

Hawaii aint that bad at all! At least they just scrap. Here in L.A. everyone is strapped and not hesitent to put it in your face. Fighting is much better then shooting. I can't belive how many damn people carry guns on them over here.

I remember going to 808 fight factory to train when my lil bro fought and Bao fought over there, and when Chris Brennan, Bao, my brother and myself walked up the hill to get to there gym we heard the carcking sound of focus mits being hit. The first thing I thought was "oh cool, Its probably Ron Jhun or Ray Cooper hitting mits!" Well as we rounded the corner we see Kai Kamaka on his knees holding mits for his son who was probably only 5 or so with Thai shorts on that were more like pants and this kid is nailing these things and Kai is calling out combos and the kid has them down better then some uncoordinated adults Ive seen in the gym. I always think of that whenever people bring up topics like these about hawaiians. The kids going to be a force when he gets older if he decides to stick with it.

IN HAWAII a middle school is a JUVENILE DETENTION CENTER, which serves as a transitional school i.e., a sort of finishing school to prepare them for possible future incarceration....

Is a Haole a white person?

Why is Hawaii a rough place?

oh man; hehehe, we need to bad all hawaii threads...

I guess I wasn't that lucky in school....the only time I got into fights was when I moved to the mainland.

Maybe you wuz the established bull tita, and chicks were only accustomed to handing over their lunch money to you. Then when you moved to the mainland, you had to start from scratch. ;)

LMAO @ "BULL TITA"!!!! Is that you Sexz :)

shaka bra

I wish I could claim to being a BULL TITA but I can't and some sole chicks used to bully me for lunch money. TRUE STORY!!!!