Help Corey's Hills family

VU for OP and prayers to Corey's family. I wish I could give but things are tough right now. Not nearly as tough as Corey's family though so ttt for this thread.

Mike_in_CA - Per every article: 

"Hill refused a ventilator and was informed he could suffer complications. Doctors, according to the person, required him to sign a waiver releasing the hospital of liability. "

He put himself and family in a horribly irresponsible decision. Phone Post 3.0

I am assuming here but maybe he declined the ventilator because he was worried about the price of it and didn't want to be a financial burden on his family.

If he was poor he was poor. If he was making ends meet he was making ends meet. As someone who lost his wife suddenly almost 6 years ago I know what the financial burden can be. My wife and were not poor. We weren't rich either. She only had the life insurance that her work provided for and I had a policy on her through my work. The cost of the funeral is expensive, paying the hospital bills are expensive. Paying the mortgage is expensive, car payments, day in and day out bills. If you have kids is even worse as you need to try and keep it together for them. You are not going back to work immediately due to this. Add it all up and some people will need help. If you can give then give. If you can't don't. Yes some people abuse the charity of others. Some will be extremely grateful even if they can't let you know. Phone Post 3.0

dpro2716 - If he was poor he was poor. If he was making ends meet he was making ends meet. As someone who lost his wife suddenly almost 6 years ago I know what the financial burden can be. My wife and were not poor. We weren't rich either. She only had the life insurance that her work provided for and I had a policy on her through my work. The cost of the funeral is expensive, paying the hospital bills are expensive. Paying the mortgage is expensive, car payments, day in and day out bills. If you have kids is even worse as you need to try and keep it together for them. You are not going back to work immediately due to this. Add it all up and some people will need help. If you can give then give. If you can't don't. Yes some people abuse the charity of others. Some will be extremely grateful even if they can't let you know. Phone Post 3.0
Sorry for your loss, bro. I'd give you a VU if I had one for sharing what you went through. Phone Post 3.0

TheBearStare -
Elias Cepeda -
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -

I feel horrible for Corey's family, but what's the situation?   Are they struggling financially?   


Did he not have a life insurance policy?  It baffles me that Americans don't.  I'm not famous and have no kids, but I think I have a $50k policy. It's like $10/month and ensures that no one would ever be burdened financially should something happen. Hell, they would profit. 
They'd "profit " from losing their father and husband??? You sick, ignorant piece of shit... Phone Post 3.0
Best wishes to the family. The only disrespect going on in this thread is from the needless intimidation just because people asked harmless questions. I realize emotions are hot right now but I don't think anyone who asked questions meant anything harmful. I certainly don't think any of the questions were disrespectful . The ugly responses though do nothing except maybe influence people not to contribute Phone Post 3.0
This. Nothing has been disrespectful and it is fair to ask where donations are going and why. Phone Post 3.0

Betwithme -
Elias Cepeda - There aren't enough vote downs or gut punches in the world for you Phone Post 3.0
You just got my 1 vote down. Wish I had more for people like you. Phone Post 3.0
I think he just got a little emotional like we all do from time to time. He just might have took it out of context and reacted. No need to vote him down. Phone Post 3.0

So sad isn't he a father?! Phone Post 3.0

Monstah Lobstah - Corey didn't have any policy that will help his family that is why I started the Gofund for him...
Sorry some of ya got fired up if you can give great if you can't that's understandable too maybe just repost this so we can spread the word even that will help in the long run...
Thanks guys Phone Post 3.0
The only person that got fired up is Elias crybaby.

The guy everybody is shitting on asked some legitimate questions which could have been covered quickly if certain people weren't so quick to snap into full retard mode. Phone Post 3.0

Brigham - What the fuck is wrong with you asshole? They just lost the husband and father of the household and that's what you have to say? I want to punch you in the fuckin face you douchebag Phone Post 3.0

Wasn't just Elias losing his cool. Phone Post 3.0

Monstah Lobstah - Corey didn't have any policy that will help his family that is why I started the Gofund for him...
Sorry some of ya got fired up if you can give great if you can't that's understandable too maybe just repost this so we can spread the word even that will help in the long run...
Thanks guys Phone Post 3.0

OK thanks for the info...  Just a little advice that may help a bit, explain the situation a little in the gofundme link.  Until I researched it, I didn't realize he had 3 kids and I'm sure many others don't either.  And I didn't mean any disrespect in my first posts.  I've heard of cases where people raise money and then the family takes an elaborate vacation or something (not saying this was the case here at all), which is why I asked where the money was heading (funeral expenses, medical expenses, college funds for his kids, etc...).  But again, maybe a little about Corey, an explanation what happened, and where the money is going in the link would help get more people to donate.

Either way, awesome of you to take time out of your life to help out a friend and his family.  Hope you can raise a lot and glad the UG made it a sticky.

RampageFitsLikeAGlove -
Monstah Lobstah - Corey didn't have any policy that will help his family that is why I started the Gofund for him...
Sorry some of ya got fired up if you can give great if you can't that's understandable too maybe just repost this so we can spread the word even that will help in the long run...
Thanks guys Phone Post 3.0

OK thanks for the info...  Just a little advice that may help a bit, explain the situation a little in the gofundme link.  Until I researched it, I didn't realize he had 3 kids and I'm sure many others don't either.  And I didn't mean any disrespect in my first posts.  I've heard of cases where people raise money and then the family takes an elaborate vacation or something (not saying this was the case here at all), which is why I asked where the money was heading (funeral expenses, medical expenses, college funds for his kids, etc...).  But again, maybe a little about Corey, an explanation what happened, and where the money is going in the link would help get more people to donate.

Either way, awesome of you to take time out of your life to help out a friend and his family.  Hope you can raise a lot and glad the UG made it a sticky.

Well hopefully you've learned right after the death in a place with his friends maybe isn't the right place to start asking serious questions in the public eye. Maybe pm the op next time. Good intent but morally very rude to a lot of people. Phone Post 3.0

xaeo - 
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -
Monstah Lobstah - Corey didn't have any policy that will help his family that is why I started the Gofund for him...
Sorry some of ya got fired up if you can give great if you can't that's understandable too maybe just repost this so we can spread the word even that will help in the long run...
Thanks guys Phone Post 3.0

OK thanks for the info...  Just a little advice that may help a bit, explain the situation a little in the gofundme link.  Until I researched it, I didn't realize he had 3 kids and I'm sure many others don't either.  And I didn't mean any disrespect in my first posts.  I've heard of cases where people raise money and then the family takes an elaborate vacation or something (not saying this was the case here at all), which is why I asked where the money was heading (funeral expenses, medical expenses, college funds for his kids, etc...).  But again, maybe a little about Corey, an explanation what happened, and where the money is going in the link would help get more people to donate.

Either way, awesome of you to take time out of your life to help out a friend and his family.  Hope you can raise a lot and glad the UG made it a sticky.

Well hopefully you've learned right after the death in a place with his friends maybe isn't the right place to start asking serious questions in the public eye. Maybe pm the op next time. Good intent but morally very rude to a lot of people. Phone Post 3.0

It's not rude at all. There are a LOT of illegitimate "charities" and "gofundmes" out there, with a lot of people abusing good people who are willing to help those in need, and in turn deterring people from helping after they see people's hard earned money being stolen in the name of charity.

It's very important to provide detailed explanations any time you're asking for money for a charitable cause. A lot of people have no idea who Berube is, or who Corey was, even. A detailed explanation would get a lot more people who are willing to give.

TheBearStare - 
Elias Cepeda -
RampageFitsLikeAGlove -

I feel horrible for Corey's family, but what's the situation?   Are they struggling financially?   


Did he not have a life insurance policy?  It baffles me that Americans don't.  I'm not famous and have no kids, but I think I have a $50k policy. It's like $10/month and ensures that no one would ever be burdened financially should something happen. Hell, they would profit. 
They'd "profit " from losing their father and husband??? You sick, ignorant piece of shit... Phone Post 3.0
Best wishes to the family. The only disrespect going on in this thread is from the needless intimidation just because people asked harmless questions. I realize emotions are hot right now but I don't think anyone who asked questions meant anything harmful. I certainly don't think any of the questions were disrespectful . The ugly responses though do nothing except maybe influence people not to contribute Phone Post 3.0

Don't be stupid, it's not a harmless question. If you guys actually thought about it would be pretty obvious that they need the money, otherwise no one would have set this up and the OP wouldn't have started this thread. That question is basically accusing them of setting up the go fund me when they don't actually need the money, then criticizing them for their lack of foresight. Innocent my ass. It's a cunty thing to do on any level and I'm surprised there's anyone defending him. (Actually no, I guess I'm not surprised.)

I get that there have been some shady gofundme's before. Who was that fighter that took donations to buy a car or some shit like that? But in this case someone died and it's not even the OP that is going to benefit from any donated money. Donate or not, but please find somewhere else to be a cunt.

Dropkick Joe -
dpro2716 - If he was poor he was poor. If he was making ends meet he was making ends meet. As someone who lost his wife suddenly almost 6 years ago I know what the financial burden can be. My wife and were not poor. We weren't rich either. She only had the life insurance that her work provided for and I had a policy on her through my work. The cost of the funeral is expensive, paying the hospital bills are expensive. Paying the mortgage is expensive, car payments, day in and day out bills. If you have kids is even worse as you need to try and keep it together for them. You are not going back to work immediately due to this. Add it all up and some people will need help. If you can give then give. If you can't don't. Yes some people abuse the charity of others. Some will be extremely grateful even if they can't let you know. Phone Post 3.0
Sorry for your loss, bro. I'd give you a VU if I had one for sharing what you went through. Phone Post 3.0
Thanks Joe. I appreciate the thought on the VU. Phone Post 3.0

"Very sad day we lost a great guy in Corey Hill...
Gone but will never be forgotten!!!!"

Does not convey "Corey Hill died unexpectedly and his family need $100,000.00 to cover his funeral expenses" very well. Phone Post 3.0

You can't expect to log on to a public forum asking a group of anonymous strangers for money with zero explanation. Most gofundme's along these lines usually have a set amount of money needed for a very specific reason and there's usually a detailed explanation on the page. Sorry, but I want to know where my money's going. How is that rude or offensive or cunty at all? In a public forum full of anonymous strangers (most of whom ARE willing to give) I don't see how any questions like the ones asked here can be considered out of line. Just my 2 cents...

Nothing wrong with the questions and they weren't asked in a rude way at all.

I think sometimes people react without thinking things through and I am sure we've all been there.

It must be really hard for the family at the moment, losing a husband and father so quickly at such a young age is brutal.

Really great of OP to step up and try and raise money for the family, a lot of great people on here who I guarantee will help out, myself included.

The family is hurting for sure but I'm not dropping a dime on a gofundme started by someone whose first post here is one asking for money with no accountability.

OblongBox - The family is hurting for sure but I'm not dropping a dime on a gofundme started by someone whose first post here is one asking for money with no accountability.
I'm sure Alan signed up here just scam people using the angle of helping his dead friend's family...

Do some of you even think before posting or are you just always miserable cunts? Phone Post 3.0

Cotton - 
OblongBox - The family is hurting for sure but I'm not dropping a dime on a gofundme started by someone whose first post here is one asking for money with no accountability.
I'm sure Alan signed up here just scam people using the angle of helping his dead friend's family...

Do some of you even think before posting or are you just always miserable cunts? Phone Post 3.0

I swear Alan used to post here years ago, I've definitely seen his "Monstah Lobsta" screen name before. Why does he have a new account?